Click on the relevant heading above to

see the details you wish to look at





Parish Council

Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 2nd July



Posted 3rd July 2024





Bleed Kits

Bleed kits have been installed next to the defibrillators at the Village Hall and Amesbury and Puddy


Parish Council

Minutes of Meeting held on 7th May 2024

Agenda for Meeting to be held on Tuesday 2nd July 2024

Financial Statements for 2023/2024 -  Accounting Statement;  Annual Governance Statement;  Certificate of Exemption;  Internal Audit Report;  Public Rights Report;  Variance Report



What's On

Gardening Club - Monday 1st July at 7.30 pm in the Church Hall

W.I. Meeting - Thursday 4th July in the Church Hall

Church Bazaar - Saturday 13th July in the Church


Mark Community Association

Hire Charges for 2024/2025




Posted on 26th/28th June 2024








Parish Council

List of Parish Councillors - contact details and their responsibilities

Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 7th May 2024


Village News

Parish Council update for May 2024


What's On

Gardening Club Plant Sale - 1st June

Gardening Club meeting - 3rd June

W.I. meeting - Thursday 6th June

MCA Car Boot and Table Top Sale - Saturday 15th June




Posted on 18th May 2024



Parish Council

Agenda for Meeting on Tuesday 7th May 2024


What's On

Film Club details for May and June 2024




Posted on 1st May 2024



What's On

Mark Moor Bowls Club Open Day - Saturday 20th April

Film Club - Friday 26th April

Plant Sale in aid of Cancer Research - Monday 6th May

Quiz Night in aid of Parkinsons' UK - Friday 10th May

Jumble Sale - Saturday 11th May

Mark Parish Church AGM - Sunday 12th May





Posted 15th May 2024 





Mark Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 5th March 2024


Posted 6th March 2024




Mark Parish Council

Minutes of Meeting held on 12th December 2023

Minutes of Special Meeting held on 27th January 2024

Agenda for Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 5th March 2024

Planning update - 26th February 2024


Posted 1st March 2024





Mark Moor Gardening Club

Meeting - Monday 4th March


Mark Moor Bowls Club

Change of Secretary


Mark W.I.

Meeting - Thursday 7th March

Posted 21st February 2024





Parish Council

Planning Update  - 22nd December 2023

Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 7th November 2023

Agenda for meeting on Tuesday 12th December 2023



Posted 27th December 2023





Parish Council

Planning Update - 14th September 2023


Village News

October 2023






Parish Council

Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 4th July 2023

Agenda for Meeting on Tuesday 5th September 2023

Planning update - 24th August 2023



Posted 2nd September 2023



Parish Council


Minutes of Meeting held on 7th March 2023

Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 2nd May 2023

Agenda for Meeting on Tuesday 4th July 2023


Parish Council News

June 2023

August 2023

September 2023



What's On

Gardening Club - Monday 4th September

W.I. - Thursday 7th September

Mark Film Night - Friday 29th September

Church of the Holy Cross - Harvest and Flower Festival 13th - 15th October

Church of the Holy Cross - Harvest Lunch   Sunday 22nd October



Posted 20th August 2023









Local Government


Details of Somerset Councillors for the King Alfred Ward


What's On

WI Meeting - Thursday 6th July 

Film Night - Friday 23rd June

Gardening Club - Monday 3rd July


Posted 22nd June 2023





What's On

WI Meeting - Thursday 4th May

Coronation Service on 7th May

Film Night - Friday 26th May 



Posted 11th April 2023



Parish Council

Meetings - Dates in 2023



What's On

Film Night - 31st March

W.I. Meeting - 6th April

Craft and Chatter - First tuesday in April

Bowls Club - Open Days

Coffee Morning - 1st May

Harvest Home - Saturday 12th August


Village Organisations

Avalon Camp - July 2023

W.I. - new contact numbers



Details of summer opening hours at Recycling Depots




Posted 27th March 2023





Parish Council

Planning Applications 2022/2023 dated 27th February

Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 10th December



Posted 28th February 2023








Road Information

Southwick Road closure by National Grid -  from 20th February 2023

Vole Road closure - Bristol Water from 13th March 2023




Stop Press

Future of Avalon Camp - February 2023

Details required of when bench base was built - corner of Southwick Rd and the Causeway (Royal British Legion enquiry)



Village News

Parish Council Chairman's Report for February 2023






Posted 16th February 2023




What's On

Zumba Gold - taster session on Wednesday 22nd February, classes starting 8th March at 9.30 am, Mark Village Hall


Posted 6th February 2023





Parish Council

Planning Applications as at 27th January 2023


What's On

WI Meeting - Thursday 2nd February 2022

Gardening Club - 6th March and 3rd April


Village Information

Latest news from Somerset Waste Partnership - January 2023


Posted 29th January 2023







What's On

MCA - New Volunteers Presentation 7.30 pm

Village Hall 26th January

Film Club - Friday 24th February

Craft and Chatter - starts 14th February

Motown Sound Dance in aid of MCA - Saturday 18th March


National Grid

Hinkley Update - Autumn 2022


Parish Council

Planning Applications 2022/2023 as at 12th January 2023


Village News

Chairman's Report, Parish Council News - January 2023


Village Organisations

Bowls Club - amendments to page



Posted 22nd January 2023




What's On

W.I. Meeting - Thursday 12th January


Quiz - Church Hall, 28th January


Parish Council

News - December 2022


Posted 9th January 2023



Parish Council

Minutes of meeting held on 1st November

Agenda for meeting on Tuesday 20th December 2022




Added on 13th December 2022






Parish Council

Planning Applications 2022 as at 11th November 2022


What's On


Church of the Holy Cross - Advent Service, Sunday 27th November

Church of the Holy Cross - Carol Service Friday 23rd December

Mark W.I. - Thursday 13th January 2023



Posted 23rd November 2022




What's On

Church of the Holy Cross - Remembrance Service

Sunday 13th November at 10.45 am

Quiz in aid of the Village Hall - Friday 2nd December

Worle Wind Band - in the Church - Saturday 3rd December

Dance in the village hall - Saturday 10th December



Posted 7th November 2022




 Parish Council

Agenda for Meeting on Tuesday 1st November 2022

Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 5th September 2022


What's On


Mark Community Association

AGM on 2nd November, followed by a MCA meeting at the Village Hall.



Posted 1st November 2022




Parish Council

Planning Applications as at 10th October 2022



What's On

Gardening Club meetings -

7th November and 5th December

Church Bazaar - Saturday 26th November


Village Information

Toddler and Baby Group - Contact details



Posted 11th October 2022




Parish Council News

Details of Parish Council meeting held on 5th July


District Councillors' Report

Dated July 2022



What's On


Mark W.I. Meeting - Thursday 6th October

Abba Sing-a-long Evening - Saturday 8th October

Mark W.I. Meeting - Thursday 3rd November




Posted 27th September 2022







What's On

Mark W.I  Meeting - Thursday 1st September

Gardening Club - Monday 5th September

Parish Council Meeting - Tuesday 6th September

Gardening Club - Monday 3rd October


Posted 29th August 2022







What's On

Mark W.I. meeting - Thursday 7th July


Posted 2nd July 2022




Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 10th May

Agenda for Meeting on Tuesday 5th July 


Mark Youth Theatre

MYT's production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory -18th/19th July



Posted 24th June 2022



Parish Council

Updated Planning Application list dated 30 May 2022


What's On

Gardening Club meetings - 4th July and 1st August


Mark Community Association

Updating names of Officers of MCA

Hire Charges for 2022/2023

History of Mark Community Association and Mark Village Hall



Contact details for our local police


No. 67 Bus

Details of Better Bus Charter for Somerset



Queen's Platinum Jubilee - Planting of the Parish Council willow tree

(lots more photos of the Jubilee weekend to follow!!  All photos gratefully received!)



Posted 15th June 2022




Parish Council 

Dates of meetings in 2022

What's On

Gardening Club Plant Sale - 28th May


Posted 17tth May 2022




Parish Council news for April

Minutes of meetings held on 1st March and 26th April

Agenda for Meeting on Tuesday 10th May

List of Parish Councillors as from 5th May 2022


What's On

Lots happening in the village this month - check out the What's On page!!


Posted 5th May 2022



Parish Council

Planning Applications 2021/2022 update - 1st April 2022

Road Closure - Kingsway Road 19th April 2022


What's On

Coffee Morning - 2nd May

Church Tower open - 3rd June (updated poster)


Posted 10th April 2022





What's On

Mothering Sunday Service in the Church - 27th March

Church Tower open - 3rd June

Mark through the Ages Exhibition - 3rd/4th June

Gardens Open - 12th June


Parish Council

Parish Council news for April


District Councillor's Reports

March 2022


Posted 16th March 2022





Parish Council

Parish Council News for March

Planning Application Details for 2021/2022 dated 5th February


Road Information

Closure of Little Moor Road


Village Information

Avalon Camps - Letter regarding 2022 camp

Recycling - Updates from Sedgemoor District Council and SWP


Covid News

Updates for 28th January, 4th February and 18th February


Stop Press

Article on threat to buses in Somerset


What's On

W.I. Meeting - 3rd March




Posted 19th February 2022







Baby and Toddler Group

Contact details updated


Covid News

January 2022


W.I. Notice

Needing new members


What's On

Gardening Club


Mark Community Association Quiz

Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Harvest Home




29th January 2022



Parish Council  

Updated List of Planning Applications 2021

Parish Council News - December 2021


Village Information

Mark Junior Football Club details

Mark Cricket Club - updated information on the new ground


Added 5th January 2022








Parish Council

Agenda for meeting on Tuesday 14th December 2021

Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 2nd November 2021


Village News

COVID News from Somerset CC for 22nd, 29th October; 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th November;  3rd, 10th December 2021


What's On

Mark Church - Carols by Candlelight Friday 17th December

Mark Church - Christingle Service Sunday 19th December

W.I. Meeting - Thursday 13th January 2022




Added 13th December 2021





What's On

Gardening Club - 1st November


Village News

Parish Council News for November 2021

Covid News from Somerset CC for 1st, 8th and 15th October


Parish Council


Planning Applications as at 2nd October 2021


National Grid/Stop Press

Removal of Old Pylons

Clearance of bridleway AX17/30 - 26th October




Added 18th October 2021





What's On

Details of Gardening Club on Monday 4th October

Rolling Stones Now - MCA's fundraising evening - Saturday 20th November

Christmas Market - Saturday 27th November


Village News

Parish Council News for October 2021

View from Sedgemoor - August/September 2021

Covid News from Somerset CC for 2nd, 9th and 17th September 2021

The Nuttall Trust - details of funding available for organisations in the village of Mark


National Grid

Hinkley C Update - September 2021



Added 21st September 2021










Parish Council 

Planning Applications List as at 12th August 2021

Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 6th July 2021

Agenda for meeting on Tuesday 7th September 2021


Village News  

Parish Council News for September

Covid updates from Somerset CC for 5th, 19th and 27th August


What's On

Gardening Club meetings on Mondays - 6th September and 4th October

W.I. Meetings on Thursdays - 9th September, 7th October and 4th November

Plants, Craft and Coffee Morning in aid of Cancer Research - Saturday 25th September



Added 2nd September 2021







Planning Applications List - as at 12th August 2021


Added 12th August 2021





Stop Press

Letter and map details from Somerset County Council regarding closure of the Causeway on 16th August for work by and near the school.


Appeal from the Churchwardens



Mark Parish Council

Village News for August

Planning Applications as at 8th July 2021


District Councillors - View from Sedgemoor August 2021


Covid News - 1st July, 9th July, 15th July, 29th July


What's On - Gardening Club on Monday 2nd August and W.I. on Thursday 5th August



Added 31st July 2021










Mark Parish Council -

Financial Statements for 2020/2021

18th June 2021





What's On:  

Gardening Club meeting - Wednesday 5th July postponed until 2nd August

Mark W.I. - Thursday 8th July Garden Party with cream tea and raffle 

Christian Aid Coffee Morning - Wednesday 21st July

Mark Church - 11th October Annual General Meeting


Covid News:  Somerset Weekly updates for May and Jun


Mark Parish Council

Village News for June and July 2021


Church of the Holy Cross - Update of Church personnel



13th June 2021






What's On -  Commemoration of Royal British Legion Centenary and Flypast -  Saturday 15th May 2021


9th May 2021





Mark Parish Council -

Village News May 2021

View from Sedgemoor - May 2021


Village Information  - 

Recycling Press Release from Somerset Waste Partnership dated 16th April 2021 regarding new collection days throughout Somerset


Covid News -

Somerset Covid Weekly Updates for 8th and 22nd April 2021


Somerset Rivers Authority -

Enhanced Programme Press Release dated 13th April 2021

Detailed SRA Enhanced Programme 2021/22 with quick links


Stop Press - 

Mark Village Hall re-opening date


26th April 2021





Mark Parish Council - Financial section 2019/2020

External Auditor Report and Certificate

Notice of Conclusion of Audit

Mark Transparancy Code

12th April 2021




Covid News - Somerset Covid Weekly Updates for 18th and 25th March 2021


Mark Moor Bowls Club - Update on number of members


Gallery - Some wonderful photos of the village by air, by kind permission of James Eggington who took them with  his drone.



3rd April 2021





Mark Parish Council


Planning Applications update - 3rd March 2021  


Village News  -  Parish Council News April 2021


View from Sedgemoor - March 2021


Covid News - Somerset Covid Weekly Updates for 18th and 25th February,  5th and 11th March 2021


6th March 2021








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