A Special Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held in the Church Hall, Vicarage Road, Mark on Thursday, 29th November 2019 at 6.30pm.
Present:- Councillor S. Emary (Chairman) Councillors D. Champion, Mrs E. Corkish, G. Francis, Mrs J. Horn, W. Human and J. Spencer..
Apology for absence received from Councillor Mrs J Weekes.
42. Declarations of Interest
Councillor Mrs Corkish declared a personal interest in application 025 as she was a friend with the applicants. Councillor Champion declared an interest in application 025 as a tenant of one of the applicants’ fields.
43. Planning Applications
The following applications were considered:-
025 Erection of a self-build dwelling to the east of Ashdean, Kingsway, Mark – Mr. & Mrs. T.R. Buncombe. - The Parish Council supported this application for a self-build dwelling, in principle. While it would be outside the village boundary it does lie adjacent to the boundary. However, there were some concerns about the application which the Parish Council wished to set out.
The Parish Council noted that in a letter from Dean Titchener, case officer for the application, he stated that “due to the scale height and position the building did not comply with the criterion of the policy D9 self-build dwellings. The height of the proposed built being 7.6m and the current height of the existing properties was 5.5m. This would make the proposed dwelling visually dominant and out of character with the rest of the local dwellings”. With regard to the position of the build the Parish Council had no objection to it, though again the case officer had recommended “that it the dwelling be moved further west and the foot print needed to be reduced to address the height and scale issue.”
The Parish Council felt that there should be further discussion between the applicants and the Planning Authority to address these issues and they would like to see more tree planting along the edge of the driveway into the property.
026 Application for the prior approval for the change of use of an agricultural building to a dwelling and associated operational development, Littlemoor Road, Mark – Mr. & Mrs. S. House – recommend permission.
027 Erection of a single storey extension to link bungalow and garage, Rowena, Churchlands, Mark – Mr. & Mrs. R.J. Pudner. - recommend permission.
The following applications had been considered since the last Meeting:-
022 Erection of two storey and single storey rear extension, 2 Council Houses, The Causeway, Mark – L. Edgecombe – confirm recommendation of permission.
023 Erection of building to accommodate bats and outline application for demolition of Ashtrees and erection of replacement dwelling, The Causeway, Mark – National Grid - confirm recommendation of permission.
024 Erection of a general purpose agricultural building, Moorhouse Farm, Southwick Road, Mark – J. Porter - confirm recommendation of permission.
44. Public Clock
Further to the discussion at the last meeting held on 5th November 2019 regarding work to the clock, further enquiries had been held with Smith of Derby regarding the restoration work and following their response it was felt that it was prudent to change the decision made and ask Smiths to undertake to remove the clock and take to Derby so that full repairs/restoration work detailed in their report could be carried out, although this would result in a higher cost. The Parish Council would be asking relevant organisations and the community to help finance the work but would ultimately act as final guarantor to pay the cost of the restoration work. The proposal was carried by four votes in favour, two against and one abstention.
The Meeting closed at 7.40 p.m. Chairman