Tuesday 7th May 2024
The 2024 Annual Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held in the Church Hall, Vicarage Road, Mark on Tuesday, 7th May 2024 at 7.00 p.m.
Present:- Councillors Mrs A. Bennett, D. Champion, G. Francis, D. Kehoe, C. Taylor and Mrs J. Weekes with the Clerk and Somerset Councillor H. Munt.
Apology for absence received from Councillors W. Human and J. Iddles.
1. Election of Chairman
Proposed Councillor Mrs Weekes, seconded Councillor Champion and unanimously agreed that Councillor D. Kehoe be elected Chairman for 2024/25. The Chairman signed a declaration of acceptance of office.
2. Election of Vice-Chairman
Proposed Councillor Mrs Weekes, seconded Councillor Champion and unanimously agreed that Councillor G. Francis be elected Vice-Chairman for 2024/25.
3. Declarations of Interest
Councillor Mrs J. Weekes declared a personal interest in matters relating to Mark Village Hall and Councillor Taylor declared an interest in the proposed refurbishment of the noticeboards and left the Meeting during discussion of that item.
4. Minutes
The Minutes of the Meeting held on 5th March 2024 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
5. Report of the County Councillors
Councillor Munt updated Members on the current position regarding items relating to Somerset Council including new speed limits, 25 new electric buses, carbon reduction and energy saving initiatives and Local Community Networks. A check would be made to ascertain if the longstanding blocked drain in Kingsway had been cleared. Councillor Champion reported that he had attended LCN meetings relating to highway issues.
6. 2023/24 Financial Statement
The financial statement for 2023/24 was formally approved.
7. Annual Governance Statement
The Council agreed the Annual Governance Statement for 2023/24 as required by the External Auditors.
8. 2023/24 Accounting Statement
The 2023/24 Accounting Statement required by the External Auditors was formally approved.
9. Exempt Authority
It was agreed to declare that Mark Parish Council is an exempt authority within the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015.
10. Review of Insurance Cover
The Council reviewed their insurance cover and deemed that no changes in cover were necessary.
11. Finance
a) Balance of Accounts
It was reported that the balance of accounts at 31st March were as follows - Current £5,633.71, Reserve £30,937.37.
b) Authorisation for Payment
It was agreed that the following payments be approved
000996 GWB Services grass cutting £666.00
000997 Zurich Municipal premium £654.48
000998 Parish Clerk payroll & sundry payment reimbursement £1,149.53
000999 Mark N. Watch grant £200.00
12. Planning Portfolio
The following applications were considered – 003 Change of use of agricultural building to 3 houses, Yardwall Road – Messrs HJ & N Parker – recommend refusal;
013 – Erection of extension, Larches Barn, The Causeway – Mr & Mrs R. May – recommend permission;
It was also agreed to confirm recommendations of permission made since the last Meeting in respect of 001 (livestock building, The Causeway) and 002 (temporary camp site, Northwick Road).
13. Public Areas Portfolio
a) Highway Matters
It was agreed to report highway defects at Blackford Road and at Yardwall Road. Councillor Human had requested the Willow Tree Housing Partnership to carry out further work to their hedge at Northwick Road. Work was in progress to repair to the damaged fingerpost sign at River Bridge and quotations would be obtained for new arms for the sign at Butt Lake crossroads.
b) Play Area
It was agreed to enter the play area in the 2024 SPFA Field of the Year Competition. Councillors Francis and Taylor agreed to attend a playground inspection awareness course on 25th June organised by the SPFA.
c) Public Rights of Way
It was agreed to check the need to cut vegetation at The Wall later in the year.
d) Village Hall
Councillor Mrs Weekes reported that the MCA were due to meet on 8th May. It was agreed that a wall mounted bleed kit be purchased at a cost of £189 + VAT from Heartsafe to be located next to the defibrillator on the Hall, subject to the agreement of the MCA. It was also agreed to ascertain from the MCA if there was a suitable space for a commemorative bench near the Hall failing which it be located in the cemetery. Reference was also made to Martyn’s Law, the full implications of which were still awaited.
e) Somerset Bus Partnership
Councillor Mrs Bennett reported upon a recent Meeting of the Somerset Bus Partnership. Taunton bus fares were increasing but the £2 fare would remain elsewhere until the end of this year.
f) Floral Tubs
Councillor Iddles had clarified who had agreed to maintain each of the floral tubs this year on a voluntary basis.
g) Noticeboards
The Chairman had circulated details of four quotations obtained from local tradesmen to refurbish the two Parish Council noticeboards to include lockable doors to protect notices. It was agreed to place an order with Christopher Taylor for 6 x A4 display noticeboards. It was also agreed to display details of the names, phone numbers and responsibilities of Members in the new noticeboards.
14. Parish Website
Councillor Mrs Weekes outlined the current position of issues relating to the web-site.
15. Next Meeting
It was agreed that the next Meeting be held on 2nd July 2024 starting at 7.00 p.m.
The Meeting closed at 8.15 p.m.