The 2017 Mark Annual Parish Meeting was held in the Village Hall, Mark on Tuesday, 14th March 2017 at 7.30 p.m.


Present:- Councillors Councillor N. Van der Bijl (Chairman), Mrs E. Corkish, Mrs S. Flack, G. Francis, Mrs A. Hanlon, Mrs J. Weekes, the Clerk and 9 members of the public.


Apology for absence received from Councillor W. Human.


1. Minutes


The Minutes of the 2016 Annual Parish Meeting were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


2. Axe Brue Internal Drainage Board


Matthew Wall and Anthony Dowden gave a presentation on the role of the Somerset Drainage Board Consortium with particular reference to the work of the Axe Brue Internal Drainage Board. This comprised mainly of flood risk and water level management and examples of engineering operations were explained.


Mr Wall and Mr Dowden answered questions raised by those present which included issues regarding specific rhynes in Mark.


The Chairman thanked Mr Wall and Mr Dowden for their interesting presentation.


3. Report of the Chairman


The Chairman presented a report on the work of the Parish Council during 2016/17, a copy of which is  appended to the signed copy of these minutes. Councillor Mrs Weekes paid tribute to the work of the Chairman during the past year.


4. Questions from the Public


No general questions were raised by the public.



The Meeting closed at 8.30 p.m.







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