The 2018 Annual Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Mark on Tuesday, 1st May 2018 at 7.30 p.m.
Present:- Councillors N. van der Bijl, Mrs S. Flack (until 8.40 p.m.), G. Francis, Mrs A. Hanlon, Mrs J. Horn, W. Human and Mrs J. Weekes with the Clerk and County Councillor D. Huxtable.
Apology for absence received from Councillor Mrs E. Corkish.
1. Election of Chairman
Proposed Councillor Mrs Weekes, seconded Councillor Mrs Hanlon and unanimously agreed that Councillor N. Van der Bijl be elected Chairman for 2018/19. The Chairman signed a declaration of acceptance of office.
2. Election of Vice-Chairman
Proposed by Councillor Mrs Flack, seconded by Councillor Mrs Weekes and unanimously agreed that Councillor Francis be elected Vice-Chairman for 2018/19.
3. Declarations of Interest
Councillors Mrs S. Flack, Mrs J. Horn and Mrs J. Weekes declared personal interests in matters relating to Mark Village Hall and Mrs Flack also declared a personal interest in Mark Cricket Club.
4. Minutes
The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 13th March 2018 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
5. Village Agent
Kirsten Rushby, Village Agent, Community Council for Somerset made a presentation on her role which principally involved signposting elderly or vulnerable people to services they require. Kirsten also answered questions raised by members and she was thanked for attending the meeting.
6. Report of the County Councillor
County Councillor Huxtable reported upon a possible local government reorganisation and financial issues.
7. Finance
a) Balance of Accounts
It was reported that the balance of accounts at 1st April were as follows - Current £4,911.92, Reserve £31,652.34.
b) 2017/18 Financial Statement
Members formally approved the Financial Statement for 2017/18.
c) 2017/18 Annual Governance Statement
Members formally approved the 2017/18 Annual Governance Statement required by the external auditors.
d) 2017/18 Accounting Statement
Members formally approved the Accounting Statement for 2017/18 required by the external auditors.
e) Exempt Authority
It was agreed to declare that Mark Parish Council was an exempt authority within the definition contained in the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015.
f) Insurance
The Council reviewed their insurance cover for 2018/19 and determined that no changes were currently necessary.
g) Authorisation for Payment
It was agreed that the following payments be made:-
DD SDC payroll 2017/18 £3,539.88
DD SDC dog bin servicing £167.23
000854 SCC bus service contribution £1,500.00
000855 SDC legal work £500.00
000856 GB Sport & Leisure play area maintenance £999.72
000857 GWB Services grass cutting £852.00
000858 Zurich Municipal premium £465.55
000859 SALC affiliation fee £378.35
8. Public Areas Portfolio
a) Highway Matters
It was agreed to report damage occurring to the edge of the carriageway along Buttlake Road. HGV’s were again taking a shortcut along Harp Road and Buttlake Road to premises in Westhay and the Chairman undertook to contact the company concerned. Defective drains at Church Street would be reported along with further fly-tipping at Green Drove. The proprietor of the adjacent caravan park would be requested to again clear rubbish from the rhyne at Harp Road. No further information had been received from the County Council regarding repairs to the subsiding pavement opposite the White Horse Inn, safety improvements in the vicinity of Mark First School and possible extension of the 30- mph limit at Blackford Road. It was agreed to issue reminders.
Information on usage of Bus Service 67 had been circulated and it was noted that a further Joint Meeting would be held in June. Councillor Francis was investigating the possible refurbishment of historic finger post signs and he reported further on possibility of sharing of a SID with Burnham Without and East Huntspill Parish Councils. It was agreed to consider this matter further at the next Meeting following clarification of practical details. It was agreed to explore the possible acquisition of four “Kill your Speed” signs.
b) Play Area
It was agreed to enter the 2018 SPFA Field of the Year Competition. It was noted that the repainting work had now been completed.
c) Public Rights of Way
Councillor Francis reported that the County Council would be carrying out work on a footpath near the Solar Farm and Councillor Human had removed a branch obstructing a bridleway at The Wall.
d) Village Hall /Football Pitch Area
It was agreed to make appropriate arrangements for a defibrillator training session at the Village Hall.
9. Planning Portfolio
The following planning applications were considered:-
003 Erection of agricultural building, alterations to vehicular access and formation of new access track, Vole Road – Mr & Mrs M. Hodgson – confirm recommendation of permission.
005 & 006LB Erection of extension on site of outbuildings and internal alterations, Old Auster, The Causeway – Mr & Mrs R. Conn – confirm recommendations of permission.
008 Conversion of two barns to dwellings, Corndell Farm, Mark Causeway – Mr & Mrs J. Griffin – recommend permission.
It was also noted that Mark Cricket Club were no longer pursuing their plans to develop a cricket ground at Mark Causeway due to difficulty in complying with planning conditions and financial issues. The field would now be sold.
10. Northwick Road Project Liaison Group
Councillor Mrs Horn presented an update on the log of issues raised through the Liaison Group. It was noted that there had been recent thefts from the site.
11. Web-site Portfolio/Superfast Broadband
Councillor Mrs Weekes reported that no practical assistance had been forthcoming from the advertisement in the Parish Magazine for a person to administer and develop the web-site on behalf of the Parish Council.
Councillor Mrs Horn agreed to contact Truespeed to seek an update on their plans to deliver services in Mark.
12. Next Meeting
It was agreed that the next Meeting be held in the Village Hall on 3rd July 2018 at 7.30 p.m.
The Meeting closed at 9.35 p.m. Chairman