As part of Mark’s Community development some of you will already be aware of the proposed development of affordable homes for the village and have joined the Community land trust as members.
To update you on progress two events are being held:
Thursday 18th August - Members' Meeting
Mark Church Hall - 7pm
Saturday 3rd September 9.00 am - 12.00 noon
Display stand at Nicky’s Market, Mark Village Hall
Saturday 3rd September -Drop in public presentation
Mark Village Hall - 2pm-6pm
If you are not already a member and would like to join you can do so at either event, by purchasing a share at £1.00 each.
If you or any family members are interested in applying for an affordable home or know anyone who needs one then it is advised to do this as soon as possible.
You can do this by registering online at or by calling the Council on 0300 303 7800 for a form.
When completing forms, people should indicate the village of “Mark” as their preferred place to live and answer all questions relating to your local connection with Mark. People already registered on the above system should be encouraged to review their application and ensure that you have indicated “Mark” as your preferred place to live and answer all questions relating to local connection.