Mark and Wedmore Ward

Polly Costello – polly.costello@sedgemoor.gov.uk 01934 713564

Will Human – will.human@sedgemoor.gov.uk 01278 641795


There was a full District Council on 16th December with a very long agenda. All of the portfolio holders reported to Council and a number of reports needed to be ratified. The Labour Group also laid out a number of proposals for Council to consider regarding Trade Union relations but none were adopted as it was clearly pointed out that the Councils current relations with Trade Union bodies within Sedgemoor was very good indeed.

Polly and Will also formulated their response to the ‘Local Plan’ consultation document as ward members for Wedmore and Mark. Their reply can be viewed on the Local
Plan site within the SDC Website.

During January there are a number of Committees to which Polly and Will belong that are sitting and they will report on these in future magazines.

At the time of writing this article it was announced that James Heappey will be leading a debate in Parliament calling on Amber Rudd, the Secretary of State who will make the final decision, to reject the overland Pylon option that will cut through the centre of Mark in favour of the undersea option. Polly and Will wish him every success in his bid. Ms Rudd’s decision is scheduled to be made by January 18th.







Here is a brief summary of matters discussed at the Mark Parish Council meeting held on 5th January 2016. 


Balance of Accounts. The balance of accounts at 1st December 2015 stands at £9,336.48 with the Reserve £16,938.34. Estimates for 2016/17 were set.


The annual Risk Management Report for 2015/16 was approved.


Public Areas Portfolio


Highway Matters. Several highway defects, defective white lines and blocked drains had been reported to County Highways. After the relaxation over the Christmas/New Year break, Wessex Water are continuing with the improvements to the sewer work along The Causeway. Weekly bulletins received from Wessex Water are being posted on Parish notice boards and Mark website. Signage had improved since the last meeting. Concern was raised about the damage and deep potholes to the edge of the carriageway along Harp Road caused by increased traffic, including HGVs, during the closure and thus Somerset County Councillor Huxtable will be requested to seek immediate remedial action once the work is finished. There was no further information from County regarding the request for a 30 mph speed limit extension at Blackford Road and the Mark School parking issues and the proposed Mark Cricket Club relocation. Wedmore Parish Council provided an update relating to HGVs taking a short cut through local villages.

In relations to several vehicle incidents on Harp Road and at Jubilee Green, although the Council believes these are due primarily to drivers not driving with due attention to the time, road conditions and weather, a request to the Police and County Highways for an assessment of causes have not been met. The County believes that drivers should take into account the nature of Harp Road and that there is no need to ‘improve’ signage.  


Public Rights of Way.  ‘Clean Surroundings’ have been requested to remove debris, including broken glass and other debris from a burnt vehicle on Southwick Drove.


Mark Clean Up Day 2016.  The annual Mark Clean-up Day has been set for 27th February 2016. This year’s event has been registered under the “Clean for the Queen” scheme.


Planning Portfolio. The following application was considered:

047. Change of use of land from agriculture to caravan storage north-east of Rookery Farm Creamery, Northwick Road – Mr and Mrs C. Petheram – Recommended.


Website Portfolio. Councillor Mrs Weekes is requesting news from local organisations for inclusion on the website and therefore Mark-based enterprises, clubs and organisations in the Parish are invited to promote their activities on www.markvillage.co.uk. Similarly, businesses and commercial enterprises are invited to promote their activities on the website.


Police Updates. The Police are changing their method of distributing local police news and updates in local areas. Visit:



Somerset Waste Partnership Safety. Waste crews collecting recycling or refuse from properties have experienced revving engines, verbal abuse, assault, being hit by cars and drivers trying to bypass lorries by mounting pavements and narrowly overtaking waste vehicles placing other road users, cyclists and pedestrians in danger. The advice is:

  • Please be patient, Crews move on as quick as possible.
  • Horns, lights, revved engines or shouting will not speed up pick-ups.
  • Do not risk further by causing an incident,
  • If there is a significant problem, contact Council Customer Services.

Keeping both the public and waste staff safe is a priority for Somerset Waste Partnership and its contractors, Kier and Viridor. For further more advice, go to www.somersetwaste.gov.uk.  Details of items that can and cannot be recycled weekly are on the village website.



The next Parish Council Meeting will be the Annual General Meeting followed by the bi-monthly Ordinary Meeting at the Village Hall beginning at 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th March 2016. Members of the public are invited.


Nick van der Bijl

Mark Parish Council

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