Mark and Wedmore Ward
Polly Costello – 01934 713564
Will Human – 01278 641795
View from Sedgemoor
Will attended the first Audit and Standards Committee as vice chair. He had travelled back from Nottinghamshire especially the night before as he didn’t want to miss it, before travelling back to watch is daughter in a National Dressage Championship. The Committee went through a number of Audit reports including an audit on the District Council's spending and budget. The independent auditors found that Sedgemoor gave ‘good value for money’ with their services. The cross party committee approved the reports and budget.
Before the meeting, there were three presentations. The first was an in depth report on the budget, the second, a presentation from Magnox B regarding their plans for medium risk waste storage at Hinkley and the third, a report from the group looking at the District's transport needs and investment strategy until 2050. This is in co operation with Somerset County Council and Highways England and centres around the expected growth from Hinkley C and the new Enterprise Zone at Woolavington.
The transport report went forward to full council on the Wednesday. This is a living document and will change with changing needs but is the basis to create better transport links around the area and reduce future congestion. It includes ideas on road, rail and cycle routes.
Polly has also chaired two Licence Panels this month. These panels decide individual licensing issues where the Licensing Officer does not have the authority to make that decision due to the complexity of the decision or it may be of a disciplinary nature. The first panel sat to consider the renewal of licenses for Hackney Carriage drivers who had not kept up their DBS checks. Their licenses were revoked. The second panel was to grant Somerset Boat Centre a premises license.