MARCH 2019





Mark and Wedmore Ward


Polly Costello –  01934 713564

Will Human –  01278 641795



Polly and Will have attended a number of meetings this month in their SDC role.  They sat on a licensing panel to hear the granting of a license to a club pavilion that had been objected to.  These panels make individual licensing decisions where the Licensing Officer cannot make the decision.


Will attended the Finance and Governance Committee for the Axe Brue Drainage Board. The main topic on the agenda being the setting of the 2019/20 budget.  Both Polly and Will then attended the Axe Brue Drainage Board Full Council that approved the new budget.  A variety of options were presented and the final decision was to set a budget of a 4.1% increase.  There is also to be a more robust forward planning structure put in place to be able to set an ongoing budget on a rolling 5 year period in cooperation with Sedgemoor District Council and the other Local Authorities that are liable for the monies.  These monies for the budget come from Council Tax receipts and the Board were very concerned to recognise that a balance had to be met between the works required by the Board and the needs of the Tax payers.







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