A Special Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held on site in Church Street/Churchlands, Mark on Thursday, 23rd July 2020 at 6.00 p.m.
Present:- Councillor S. Emary (Chairman) Councillors Mrs E. Corkish, G. Francis, J. Spencer and Mrs J. Weekes.
Apology for absence received from Councillors D. Champion, Mrs J. Horn and W. Human.
76. Disclosures of Interest
Members had no interests to disclose.
77. Planning Applications
The following applications were considered:-
011 Change of use of land and buildings from equestrian to Use Class B1 for the repair of caravans including internal and external alterations to the west of The Poplars, Harp Road, Mark – D. Crouch – recommend refusal;
013 Change of use from Estate Agent to Café including alterations and erection of extension to rear elevation, Churchlands, Mark – I. Bates – recommend refusal;
019 Installation of dormer window to south elevation, The Old Homestead Farm, Kingsway, Mark – Mr & Mrs A. Palmer – recommend permission;
020 Outline application with some matters reserved for the erection of a dwelling and garage at The Larches, The Causeway, Mark – Mr & Mrs R. May – recommend permission.
The following applications had been considered since the last Meeting. Recommendations of permission had been submitted in each case and these decisions were confirmed.
014 Variation of conditions on 33/13/00025 to change materials and amend design of garage, Pill Row Farm, Pill Road, Mark – M. Prosser.
015 Change of use and conversion of two pole barns and two storey barn to form 4 holiday lets, creation of new driveway, associated landscaping and external lighting, Totney Farm, Blackford Road, Mark – Mr & Mrs A. Comer. (subsequently withdrawn by the applicants)
016 Change of use of barns, demolition of Dutch barn and erection of a new dwelling to the south of Littlemoor Road, Mark – Mr & Mrs S. House.
018 Change of use of land from agriculture to Use Class B8 for caravan storage, Rookery Farm Creamery, Northwick Road, Mark – C. Petheram.
78. Finance
The following payments which had been made since the last Meeting were approved and confirmed.
000909 GWB Services Grass cutting £499.50
000910 SALC Affiliation fee £390.64
79. Blackford Road
It was agreed to request the County Council to install 30 mph repeater signs at Blackford Road in the section between the pinch point and the new 30 mph entry signs.
The Meeting closed at 6.40 p.m.