Mark Parish Council have completed the refurbishment of eight of the historic sign post in the Parish of Mark:
Harp Road Crossroads.
Lockes Broad
Church Road/Kingsway
Blackford Road/Perry Lane
Southwick Road/Tile House Road
River Road/Tilehouse Road
Little Moor/Pumphouse Road
River Road/ Southwick Road
We have now received confirmation from South West Heritage that we can go ahead and refurbish the two heritage post at Yarrow Road junction and the junction of River Road and Pumphouse Road. An order has already been placed with Somerset Forge to carry out the work. South West Heritage will sponsor part of the refurbishment.
It was agreed by Mark Parish Council to also add two more posts which are on the edge of the Parish Boundary, for refurbishment. These are the small post at the Watchfield end of Southwick Road, on the Burnham Without boundary and the sign post at River Bridge on the Burtle Parish Boundary.
An order for this work has been placed and work is expected to be completed before the end of 2019.