A Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held in the Church Hall, Vicarage Road, Mark on Tuesday, 4th July 2023 at 7.00 p.m.


Present:- Councillors D. Kehoe (Chairman), Councillors D. Champion, G. Francis and Mrs J. Weekes with the Clerk.


Apology for absence received from Councillors W. Human, Mrs L. Kybert and C. Taylor.


17. Declarations of Interest


Councillor Mrs J. Weekes declared a personal interest in matters relating to Mark Village Hall.


18. Minutes


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 2nd May 2023 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


19. Report of the Somerset Councillors


The Somerset Councillors were unable to be in attendance.


20. Casual Vacancy


A Casual Vacancy of Parish Councillor had occurred following the resignation of Simon Emary. The vacancy had been advertised in accordance with statutory procedure. Simon had been thanked for all his valuable work on behalf of the Council and his resignation was received with much regret.


21. Finance


a) Balance of Accounts


It was reported that the balance of accounts at 1st June were as follows - Current £21,803.02, Reserve £30,580.69.


b) Authorisation for Payment

      It was agreed that the following payments be confirmed:-

000975 GWB Services                          grass cutting, April                                        £666.00

000976 Somerset Council                     payroll recharge                                          £1,162.71

000977 GWB Services                          grass cutting, May & June                          £1,710.00

000978 Parish Clerk                              payroll & sundry payment reimbursement    £847.27


22. Planning Portfolio


The following application was considered – 028 Retention of culvert for agricultural purposes, south of Northwick Road – CS & JM Petheram – recommend permission;


It was agreed to make no comments in respect of an appeal lodged by D. Collins in respect of refusal of permission to convert an agricultural building to a dwelling at Springfield Gate, Yarrow Road.


It was also agreed to confirm recommendations made since the last Meeting in respect of 020 (internal staircase, Orchard Cottage - permission) and 021 (two dwellings, Orchard Cottage - refusal).


23. Public Areas Portfolio


a) Highway Matters


There were no new highway defects to report but it was agreed to report fly-tipping deposits at Northwick Road and at the Butt Lake/Southwick Road crossroads.


b) Play Area


It was noted that Councillor Taylor had agreed to take over supervision of the play area from Simon Emary.


c) Public Rights of Way


The Environment Agency had again requested the Parish Council to remove debris from the river at The Wall. It was agreed to inform them that the work was arranged by the Rights of Way Officer now with Somerset Council who appointed and paid the contractor.


d) Village Hall


Councillor Mrs Weekes reported that a meeting was being held with the Community Council of Somerset to discuss renewal of their Hallmark 3 accreditation. Reference was made to complaints of nuisance caused by young people near the hall. It was also agreed to contribute towards the cost of replacing a litter bin, subject to clarification of the cost involved. Councillor Taylor had kindly agreed to monitor the defibrillators at the hall and at Church Street following the resignation of Simon Emary and the notices would be updated.


e) Green Wedmore


It was agreed to support Green Wedmore in their grant application in connection with their Wedmore Village Farm project.


24. Parish Website


Councillor Mrs Weekes reported that Nicola McCarthy was working to update and improve the web-site. It was agreed to send a message of appreciation to Nicola.


25. HM The King’s Coronation


It was noted that a weeping willow tree had been planted to commemorate the Coronation at the northern end of Jubilee Green and an inscribed plaque was being obtained. Quotations had been obtained for a commemorative stone planter to be positioned near the bridge but the costs involved were found to be prohibitive and it was agreed, regretfully, not to proceed with this project.


26. Next Meeting


It was agreed that the next Meeting be held on 5th September 2023 starting at 7.00 p.m.





The Meeting closed at 8.10 p.m.






























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