Proposed development of affordable

rented homes for Mark Residents





It is with much regret and deep sadness that we write to notify you that the majority of the CLT Board have taken the decision to withdraw their support for the development of 12 affordable homes in Northwick Road, Mark, despite having successfully achieved Planning Permission.


The CLT Board still firmly believe that this is the right thing for Mark and on the right site. 


Over the last few months, the Board have endured a variety of increasingly challenging and disturbing emails and verbal communications, as well as the publishing of an anonymous article in the Parish Magazine. These communications are incessant and have become increasingly distressing, demanding and alarming, going as far as threatening litigation, going to the Press and registering a formal complaint with the FCA. As a registered Community Benefit Society and a Board made up entirely of unpaid volunteers we have neither the money or resources to counter these attacks. As a result, we have no choice but to abandon our involvement in the project.


We apologise to our many supporters and shareholders who have remained faithful throughout, and express our gratitude. Many thanks to all of you.


We also express our disappointment and sorrow for those people that have maybe held hope recently that they would finally get the home they were dreaming of, close to their families, and in a village where they wanted to live, but alas this will not be the case, and the Community of Mark will continue to be in need of Affordable Housing for many years to come.


Once again many thanks to all those that have demonstrated their support.


With sadness and regret


Geoff Francis (Board Member and Chairman)

Jan Horn (Board Member and Secretary)

John Spencer (Board Member and Treasurer)

Gareth Woodcock (Board Member) 


If you have any queries please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council:


01278 789859 or email here






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