JUNE 2017
Mark and Wedmore Ward
Polly Costello – polly.costello@sedgemoor.gov.uk 01934 713564
Will Human – will.human@sedgemoor.gov.uk 01278 641795
Polly and Will have been helping local planning applications by talking on their behalf at Sedgemoor’s Planning Committee. If any residents of Mark or Wedmore need assistance with their planning application then they can approach Polly and Will to help them. This help also applies if anyone has objections to any applications.
With the local county Council elections and the forthcoming General election, there have been a number of people asking if these elections include District Council. The District Council is elected every four years and the next election is due in 2019.
The 2017 Annual Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Mark on Tuesday, 9 May.
After Parish Elections on 4 May, welcomed to the Council was Mrs Jan Horn (169 votes). Commiserations were also offered to Mrs Angela Hicks (149 votes) and Mr Peter Nourse (95 votes). A total of 413 votes were cast.
Elected Chairman for 2017/18 was Councillor Nick van der Bijl
Elected Vice-Chairman for 2017/2018 was Councillor Geoff Francis.
The Parish Balance of Accounts are in a healthy state.
Highways. Subsidence to the edge of the carriageway along parts of Harp Road are being reported to Area Highways. This damage is most likely from HGVs using the route. Area Highways have asked Economic and Community Infrastructure to redesign the retaining structure of the pavement opposite the White Horse Inn and since consent is required from the Environment Agency because the work will affect the river, it is therefore most unlikely the work will not begin before winter. There is still no response to the proposed extension of the 30mph limit and associated bus stop at Blackford Road. Somerset Highways will be reminded - again.
The Bus 67 (Burnham on Sea to Wells via Mark) negotiations were suspended during the County Council elections.
Road Closure. Somerset County Council have announced the temporary closure of Blackford Moor Lane from the B3139 at Blackford Moor Road northwards for a distance of 634 metres in order to allow a plant vehicle to clean ditches and verges. The Order is effective from 4 July 2017 and remains in force for 18 months.
Councillor Francis reported that the stile at the north entrance to RoW AX 23/3 (Yardwall to Southwick Rd) had been damaged by farm machinery and a new combination gate supplied by Somerset County Council Rights of Way Team was being installed. The gate/stile at the south end of the track and one of the bridges is under investigation. The south end of AX 23/8 (Littlemoor Rd to the River Brue) is badly overgrown close to the river and needs repair/vegetation clearance. There are no other reports from the other RoW within the Parish.
The following planning applications were considered:
Sedgemoor District Council are currently updating their understanding of affordable housing needs by contacting local people registered on the waiting list. There are about 30 households on the list for Mark. Sedgemoor has identified at least 14 as having a genuine affordable housing need with the list likely to increase. Local letting plans ensure that people with a strong connection to a community, such as Mark, have priority for vacancies.
Councillor Mrs Weekes reported that little interest had been received from local businesses regarding the website. Issues regarding the Parish Magazine were also discussed.
The next scheduled Parish Council meeting will be at 7.30pm on Tuesday 4 July 2017 at the Village Hall. Members of the public are invited.
Nick van der Bijl
Mark Parish Council