001 Change of use, conversion and extension of stable block to holiday accommodation, Burnt House, Yarrow Road, Mark – Mrs. C. James. Parish Council SUPPORTED 29.1.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 12.2.2015.
002 Erection of agricultural building to be used for dry storage and as a livestock handling facility, north of Blackford Road, Mark – RJ, HA & MR Popham. Parish Council NO OBSERVATIONS 29.1.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 5.3.2015.
003 Removal of specified hedgerows, Bowbridge Lane, Southwick, Mark – C. Sweet. Parish Council NO OBSERVATIONS 17.2.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 24.2.2015.
004 Change of use and conversion of storage sheds to holiday let, Magnolia House, Mark Causeway –J. Balson. Parish Council SUPPORTED 17.2.2015. WITHDRAWN.
005 Removal of specified hedgerows, Green Drove, Mark – J. Porter. Parish Council NO OBSERVATIONS 17.2.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 3.3.2015.
006 Erection of single storey extension between garage and dwelling and replacement of garage roof, Uplands Cottage, Blackford Road, Mark – B. Penrose. Parish Council SUPPORTED 17.2.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 10.3.2015.
007 Enlargement and redevelopment of sewage pumping station with associated fencing, surfacing and improvements to access, Poplar Lane, Mark – Wessex Water. Parish Council SUPPORTED 17.2.2015. SCC GRANTED PERMISSION.
008 Hedgerow removals, north-east of Manor Farm, Southwick to allow a new rising main to be constructed – Wessex Water. PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT.
009 Erection of agricultural building and removal of two existing buildings to the west of Southwick Road, Watchfield – S. Vincent. Parish Council SUPPORTED 11.3.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 21.4.2015
010 Retention of car port to east elevation, Langdale, Mark Causeway – Mrs. C. Kelson. Parish Council OBJECTED 10.4.2015. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION 24.4.2015
011 Certificate of Lawfulness, erection of extension and insertion of windows, 4 The Uplands, Mark – Mr. and Mrs. T. Johnson. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 16.4.2015
012 Minor amendments to permission 33/14/024 – Solar Photovoltaic Farm – Belltown Solar3 Ltd. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 22.4.2015
013 Replacement of 15 uPVC windows with hard wood windows, Packhorse Farm, Church Street, Mark – Mrs. J. Morley. Parish Council SUPPORTED 10.4.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 24.4.2015
014 Erection of first floor rear extension, 6 Council Houses, Mark Causeway – Mr. and Mrs. J. Pople.
Parish Council SUPPORTED 10.4.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 6.5.2015
015 Erection of tractor/plant storage shed to the north of Larches, Mark Causeway – Mr. and Mrs. R. May. Parish Council OBJECTED 10.4.2015. WITHDRAWN.
016 Erection of agricultural workers dwelling, garage and formation of access, Reed Farm, Southwick – CL, AE & RC Sweet. Parish Council SUPPORTED 10.4.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 14.5.2015.
017 Erection of extension to rear elevation, porch and dormer window to front elevation, 4 West Close, Mark Causeway – Mrs. V. Puddy. Parish Council SUPPORTED 10.4.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 7.5.2015
018 Change of use and conversion of barn to annexe accommodation to main dwelling, Ivy House Farm, Mark Causeway – Mrs. L. Catterall. Parish Council SUPPORTED 10.4.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 13.5.2015.
019 Change of use and conversion of storage sheds to holiday let, Magnolia House, Mark Causeway – J. Balson. Parish Council SUPPORTED 28.4.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 29.5.2015.
020 Change of use and conversion of storage sheds to 2 holiday lets, Ingleside, Mark Causeway – K. Leavey. Parish Council OBJECTED 28.4.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 23.6.2015.
021 Replacement of 4 replacement windows, Packhorse Farm, Church Street, Mark – Mrs. J. Morley. Parish Council SUPPORTED 19.5.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 11.6.2015.
022 Installation of external staircase, The Willows, Mark Causeway – G. Willis. Parish Council SUPPORTED 7.7.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 24.7.2015.
023 Demolition of barn, erection of building comprising 2 bedroom dwelling for holiday let with garage and alteration of access, Crooked Ham, Vole Road, Mark – Thornton and Cox. Parish Council OBJECTED 7.7.2015. WITHDRAWN.
024 Erection of agricultural building, Moorhouse Farm – J. Porter. PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT
025Erection of outbuilding to side of The Pines, Mark Causeway – Mrs. J. Cox. Parish Council SUPPORTED 7.7.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 3.8.2015.
026 Removal of specified hedgerows, south of Yardwall Road, Mark – R. Puddy – Parish Council NO OBSERVATIONS 7.7.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 28.7.2015.
027 Erection of single storey extension, extension to residential cartilage and erection of garage, east of Chestnut Farm, Southwick – Mr. and Mrs. N. Skelly. Parish Council NO OBSERVATIONS 24.7.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 11.9.2015.
028 Display of signs, White Horse Inn, Mark – Everards Brewery. Parish Council SUPPORTED 24.7.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 12.8.2015.
029 Minor amendments to 33/14/00036, 25 Queensway Close, Mark – Mrs. L. Franks. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 28.7.2015.
031 Erection of building to form garage and carport with first floor ancillary accommodation, Knox, Blackford Road, Mark – Mr. and Mrs. M. Hemmens. Parish Council SUPPORTED 17.8.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 25.8.2015.
032 Change of use of annexe to holiday let, Old Vicarage, Vicarage Lane, Mark – L.C. Gazzard. Parish Council SUPPORTED 8.9.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 15.9.2015.
033 Erection of rear extension, Perran, Mark Causeway – A. Chapman. Parish Council SUPPORTED 17.8.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 8.9.2015.
034 Erection of agricultural building over open cow yard/silage pit, Chestnut Farm, Vole Road, Mark – G.A. Durston & Son. Parish Council SUPPORTED 8.9.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 29.9.2015.
035LB Conversion of coach house to form a one bedroom holiday let, Packhorse Farm, Church Street, Mark – Mr. and Mrs. B. Morley. Parish Council SUPPORTED 5.10.2015. WITHDRAWN
036LB Conversion of Trindle House to form a one bedroom holiday let, Packhorse Farm, Church Street, Mark – Mr. and Mrs. B. Morley. Parish Council SUPPORTED 5.10.2015. WITHDRAWN
037 Minor amendment for alteration to layout to provide lightning protection system to sub-station,
Southwick, Mark – Second Generation Yardwall Ltd. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 29.9.2015.
038 Erection of extension, 28 Merryfield, Mark – P. Gregory. Parish Council SUPPORTED 5.10.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 13.10.2015.
039 Change of use of two outbuildings to form a one bedroom holiday lets, Packhorse Farm, Church Street, Mark – Mr. and Mrs. B. Morley. Parish Council SUPPORTED 5.10.2015. WITHDRAWN
040 & 041LB Change of use and conversion of barn and erection of two storey extension to south elevation of barn, on site of garage, to form additional bed and breakfast accommodation, Packhorse Inn, Church Street, Mark – P. Pavle. Parish Council SUPPORTED 16.10.2015. WITHDRAWN
042 Erection of two storey extension to east elevation on site of workshop, Mill Batch Farm, Blackford Road, Mark – S. Moss. Parish Council SUPPORTED 16.10.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 27.11.2015.
043 Erection of agricultural building to the north of Sunnyside, Mark Causeway – G. Peters. Parish Council SUPPORTED 16.10.2015.
044 Erection of single storey extension on site of conservatory, Perry Cottage, Perry Road, Mark – Mrs. S. Winter. Parish Council SUPPORTED 3.11.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 7.12.2015.
045 Removal of hedgerows to allow ditch maintenance, Vole Road area, Mark – G. George. Parish Council NO OBSERVATIONS 3.11.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 17.11.2015.
046 Erection of tractor/plant storage shed, Larches, Mark Causeway – Mr. and Mrs. R. May. Parish Council SUPPORTED 3.11.2015. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 3.12.2015.