The 2014 Mark Annual Parish Meeting was held in the Village Hall, Mark on Tuesday, 18th March 2014 at 7.00 p.m.
Present:- Councillors N Van der Bijl (Chairman), Mrs D. Bayliss, Mrs E. Corkish, S. Emary, G. Francis, Mrs C. Gibson, M. Schollar, Mrs J. Weekes, District Councillor R. Burden, the Clerk and 6 members of the public.
Apology for absence received from County Councillor D. Huxtable.
1. Minutes
The Minutes of the 2013 Annual Parish Meeting were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
2. Report of the County Councillor
The Meeting received a written report from County Councillor Huxtable on the work of the County Council during 2013/14, a copy of which is filed with the signed copy of these minutes.
3. National Grid Hinkley C Connection Project
Doug Bamsey, Corporate Director and Vicky Banham, Projects Officer, Sedgemoor District Council, gave a presentation on the subject of National Grid Hinkley C Connection mitigation works/possible community benefits. Topics covered included the planning process for national significant infrastructure projects, the impact of the proposed pylons in Mark, the definition of mitigation works as opposed to community benefits and the role the Parish Council could play in the Examination process. Mr Bamsey answered questions raised by those present. Councillor Mrs Corkish thanked Mr Bamsey on behalf of the Meeting for his interesting presentation.
4. Housing Needs Survey
Duncan Harvey, Affordable Housing Policy & Development Manager, Sedgemoor District Council gave a presentation on the outcome of the recent Housing Needs Assessment and outlined the Executive Summary. There was a current indication of 10 affordable housing units being required in Mark. Mr Harvey outlined the next steps and answered questions raised by those present. The Chairman thanked Mr Harvey on behalf of the Meeting for his interesting presentation.
5. Report of the Chairman
In view of the lateness of the hour, Councillor N. Van der Bijl undertook to include his report on the work of the Parish Council during 2013/14 in the Parish Magazine. A copy of the report is also appended to the signed copy of these minutes. Councillor Mrs Corkish paid tribute to the work of the Chairman during the past year.
6. Questions from the Public
A parishioner enquired as to the latest position regarding the “Connecting Devon and Somerset” faster broadband project. The Chairman undertook to forward a copy of a recent bulletin to the parishioner.
The Meeting closed at 8.40 p.m.