Mark and Wedmore Ward
Polly Costello – 01934 713564
Will Human – 01278 641795
Polly Costello and Will Human have had a very busy month in July. Apart from sitting on Mark and Wedmore Parish council meetings, they have also attended the Wards’ Planning meetings to hear any new plans being submitted in our area. Polly has also attended the SDC Small Grants Committee meeting which awards small grants to organisations or individuals of up to £2,500 and £500 respectively. These grants are often associated with sporting groups or individuals who need injections of cash to help with major competition or project funding. More information is available from Polly.
Will has attended the Audit and Governance Committee which ensures that SDC is running efficiently and within the parameters set out by the Executive.
They both attended the Full Council meeting at which such topics as the future of the Bridgwater Northgate site and what to do with the rebate from Tesco’s were debated.
Dig Up a Great Prize in the Homes in Sedgemoor Garden Competition
Homes in Sedgemoor are inviting Council residents to send in pictures of their gardens in bloom before 28 August, to be in with a chance of winning one of six different categories! Anyone living in a Sedgemoor District Council property can enter. There are great prizes for each category with a first prize of £50 and a second prize of a £25 shopping voucher. Just send in two photographs by email or post and the entries will be reviewed by a panel of tenant judges. This year we have introduced a new category for our budding young gardeners under the age of 16. Send in photos of something you have grown that you can eat. If you would like to enter but are unable to take a photo of your garden we can arrange this for you.
The Homes in Sedgemoor garden competition aims to recognise and reward residents who take pride in their home and help to create outdoor areas that improve the environment around them. For more information please visit or phone 0800 585 360.
£1m Funding Boost for Businesses seeking to expand in Sedgemoor
Alongside the adoption of the Economic Strategy, Sedgemoor announced its intention to launch a new Business Accelerator Loan Fund for the District. Aimed at supporting individual local businesses seeking to grow, the fund will provide loans of between £50,000 and £350,000 to individual companies seeking to build new property within the district. Loans will be provided at competitive rates to assist firms to more easily finance new construction, and with flexible terms to allow for easier repayment and to encourage further investment. Through the loan scheme, the Council is seeking to encourage businesses to build and invest in the local area, creating both new jobs for local residents as well as accelerating Sedgemoor’s recent economic performance. The Fund was launched on July 31. Details can be found at
Leader – Cllr Duncan McGinty
Rightsizing the organisation for the future Community benefit/Nuclear Industry Liaison Legal and Democratic Liaison with key stakeholders – MPs, MEPs, SCC, Gvt Media/Communications Corporate H&S (staff) Devolution Agenda |
Deputy Leader – Cllr Dawn Hill
Asset Management (including strategic land and property acquisition) Data protection/Information Governance Board Efficiency and Value Finance Performance Risk |
New Homes – Cllr Derek Alder
Housing Programme (and projects contained within) Nuclear Housing (POB submissions) |
Housing – Cllr Andrew Gilling
Homelessness Homes in Sedgemoor Housing - Affordable Housing Housing - Homelessness/SWELT Housing - Housing Advice Team |
Infrastructure – Cllr Peter Downing
Bridgwater Tidal Barrier Nuclear Programme (and projects contained within) National Grid Port of Bridgwater Tidal Power Transport/Highways Northgate, Bridgwater |
Economic Growth – Cllr Anne Fraser
20-year Flood Action Plan/Somerset Rivers Authority/ IDBs Forward looking ED - (including inward investment; growth accelerator fund) Land drainage/flooding LEP |
Business and Development – Cllr Mike Caswell
ED projects – i.e. Bridgwater Vision; Celebration Mile Local Plan refresh Planning (Development Management) Planning (Policy) Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) Superfast Broadband roll-out |
Customers and Communities – Cllr Ann Bown
Customer access programme (and projects contained within) CIM bids Community Development |
Health and Wellbeing – Cllr Gill Slocombe
Strategic Health and Wellbeing Safeguarding Children/vulnerable adults |
Updated copies of the Welcome To Mark booklet are now available for newcomers to our village. Contact members of the Parish Council if you would like a copy. Details of clubs and organisations are also available on the Mark Village website. The booklet includes details of businesses in the village and surrounding areas, which, at the moment, the website does not. An e-version is also available on the Mark Village website.
Mark Causeway
Work is now underway to construct a new pumping station and associated pipework at the Poplar Lane/Causeway junction. This is not an Affordable Housing project.
Amendment to Temporary Road Closure – Dutch Road
The Highways Agency has authorised that with effect from 28th September to 25th October 2015, the Dutch Road junction with The Causeway will be temporarily closed to enable Wessex Water to continue the sewerage network improvement. Further details posted on Parish notice boards and the website.
Pavement Opposite the White Horse
The Parish Council has objected to a Highways proposal to repair unstable ground very near to the footpath opposite the White Horse in their 2016/2017 programme and that, in the meantime, safety barriers will be erected. The Parish believes that:
A request has been lodged with Highways to bring the work forward to within the next two months. Here’s hoping!
It is the responsibility of residents and business to ensure that shrubs, vegetation, foliage, grass verges and trees encroaching onto pavements and roads from their properties are sufficiently trimmed not to be a hazard, one being brambles forcing pedestrians to walk into the middle of roads. If such obstructions are not trimmed, the Highways or a contractor could be invited to prune and the invoice delivered to the resident or business.
Environment Agency Community Flood Risk Update – August 2015
Somerset Waste Partnership Monthly Briefing – August 2015
Next Parish Council Meeting will be held in the Village Hall on 8 September 2015 beginning at 7.30 pm. Members of the public are invited.
Nick van der Bijl
Mark Parish Council
Telephone: 01278 641744