This is a copy of a letter being sent
to every house in the Parish
and is included in the
February 2020 Parish Magazine
Richard Young 5 Channel Court
Clerk of the Council Burnham-on-Sea
Tel: 01278 789859
Dear Parishioner
There has been a clock in the Church of the Holy Cross tower since the18th Century, the original one being replaced in 1887 to celebrate Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee. This was paid for by donations from the parishioners of Mark and so the Parish Council became the custodians of the clock.
The clock mechanism, which had previously been hand wound by the bell ringers and church wardens, was electrified in 1972. While the clock has an annual inspection each year it is 10 years since the clock was last overhauled and it has now reached the stage where more extensive work will need to be carried out.
This is a major refurbishment and the quotes we have received are roughly £13,500 for the work to be carried out in situ or roughly £19,500 to remove the clock and carry out a longer lasting repair in the workshop. If we use the cheapest option then further repairs will be needed in a few years time when the total cost is likely to be substantially more.
The Parish Council believe that it would be prudent to carry out the more expensive repair now and appeals have been made to a number of organisations to help cover the cost. Even if all these appeals are successful there will still be a substantial shortfall which will have to be paid from the Parish Council budget.
This money could be raised by savings from this year’s budget and by using up the bulk of the current reserves. However, this is likely to mean an increase in the precept (Council Tax) which you will have to pay, not this year but certainly in the very near future.
Our precept is currently the lowest in the area and we would like to keep it that way which is why we ARE APPEALING FOR CONTRIBUTIONS from all parishioners in the hope that we can receive enough funds to keep further increases, if not at zero, at least to the very minimum.
If we are to keep the clock then these repairs are absolutely essential so any amount no matter how small would be gratefully received.
Payments may be made by –
BACS - Sort Code 60-04-12, Account No. 54174783 , Ref. Parish Clock
or by cheque made out to Mark Parish Council, and sent to –
the Parish Clerk, Mr Richard Young, 5 Channel Court, Burnham on Sea, TA8 1NE
the chairman, Mr Simon Emary, Mallards, Fishers Lane, Mark, TA9 4LZ,
or to any Council member.
Thanking you in advance,
Mark Parish Council
January 2020