Tuesday 29th August 2017
A Special Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Mark on Tuesday, 29th August 2017 at 7.30 p.m.
Present:- Councillor N. Van der Bijl (Chairman), Councillors Mrs E. Corkish, Mrs S. Flack, G. Francis, Mrs A. Hanlon, Mrs J. Horn, W. Human and Mrs J. Weekes with the Clerk.
20. Declarations of Interest
Councillors Mrs E. Corkish, Mrs S. Flack, Mrs J. Horn and Mrs J. Weekes declared personal interests in matters relating to Mark Village Hall. Councillor Mrs Flack declared an interest in planning application no. 021 as a member of the Cricket Club and did not vote thereon. Councillor Francis declared a personal interest in Mark Neighbourhood Watch. Councillor Van der Bijl declared a personal interest in Mark Bowling Club.
21. Planning Portfolio
The following applications were considered:-
021 Formation of cricket ground including erection of pavilion, formation of access and drop off/parking for school to the rear of The Croft, Mark Causeway – Mark Cricket Club – recommend conditional permission;
024 Notification of diversion of an overhead line and erection of additional poles to the south of Mark Causeway – Western Power Distribution – no observations.
22. Authorisation for Payment
The following payments were authorised -
000843 GWB Services grass cutting £1,568.00
000844 Mark Neighbourhood Watch grant £100.00
000845 SDC by-election costs £1,068.50
A bank reconciliation for the period 1st April to 30th June 2017 was checked against the original bank statements and signed by the members who did not sign cheques as part of the Council’s internal controls.
23. Mark Moor Bowling Club – Proposed Lease
Members considered the current position regarding the above complex matter. It was noted that a joint meeting had been held between the various parties in an attempt to reach a mutually agreeable solution and a further joint meeting was planned with the District Council’s legal officer.
24. Public Space Protection Orders
It was noted that the Parish Council’s request for Public Space Protection Orders to be introduced at the Village Hall and surrounding area and on the Church Hall Car Park would be considered by the District Council during a future phase of new Orders.
25. Highway Defects/Fly-tipping Deposits
It was noted that a number of highway defects and instances of fly-tipping had recently been reported to appropriate authorities.
The meeting closed at 8.50 p.m.