Mark and Wedmore Ward

Polly Costello – 01934 713564

Will Human – 01278 641795


September has been a relatively quiet month for both Will and Polly. They have both attended Parish Council meetings but there is a very busy diary of District Council and associated committee’s meetings coming up as we go into the Autumn and Winter.


Will attended a meeting joint-chaired with the Parish Council to finalise a new agreement between the MCA and Mark Moor Bowls Club. A Sedgemoor solicitor was in attendance.  The meeting addressed amendments that were required by all parties after careful scrutiny. Completion of the agreement should be in November and will solidify the arrangements for the next 65 years.







Mark Parish Council has been contacted by Wedmore Parish Council who have begun a process to refurbish their fingerposts. Wedmore have conducted a survey and believe that Mark has eight of these iconic, cast-iron fingerposts.


Although Somerset County Council value the fingerposts signs as part of our county heritage, regrettably budgetary constraints and falling government funding has meant that limited resources have been diverted to the mandatory safety and hazard signs on our principal network. Fingerpost signs are non-mandatory and are classed as 'nice to have' rather than essential, nevertheless the council appreciate their value in rural areas and welcome support in keeping in good condition.  Wedmore is now identifying funding to renovate their signs. Mark Parish Council has yet to decide, nevertheless it would welcome views from parishioners



The IT Company, TrueSpeed, has begun the first stage of its potential investment in Mark with a flyer about the company to households. The next stage will be presentations and a question-and-answer session in the Village Hall. Remember! Provided that 30% of the Parish signs up, Truespeed will commence an eight week exercise to install Fibre-to the-Premises (FTTP) technology to customers. Anyone showing interest is not committed to immediate financial outlay.



33/17/00026 - Conversion of garage to annexe, including extensions, and erection of a detached building to form a single garage and garden store at Littlemoor House, Littlemoor Road – Recommended.



Here is a summary of a statement from the Press Office, Sedgemoor District Council:


EDF Energy have started work to upgrade of the roundabout above the M5 at Junction 23 as part of more than £20 million of investment into the local infrastructure. The work is designed to improve the management of traffic flow and reduce congestion. Works will include the installation of new traffic lights on each of the access and exit routes. The upgrade will be carried out by the Somerset Infrastructure Alliance, a joint venture between Bridgwater firm R K Bell Group Ltd, Skanska and Bristol-based Forest Traffic Management Limited. EDF Energy is carrying out improvements associated with its Hinkley Point C project, which also includes Park-and-Ride and freight management facilities at Junction 23 and Junction 24 of the M5 and other Park-and-Rides near Williton in West Somerset and Cannington. 300 spaces were opened at the Junction 23. The aim is to cater for more than 1,000 workers travelling to and from the Hinkley Point C site by bus. “It’s all part of our commitment to improve traffic flow in and around Bridgwater,” said David Eccles, EDF Energy’s Head of Stakeholder Engagement for Hinkley Point C. He added: “We know there is never a good time to carry out roadworks but we have timed these to make the best use of what is typically a quieter time of year for commuting and holiday traffic. While there will be traffic management in place, works have been planned as sensitively as possible in order to avoid delays for motorists but we would like to apologise if these do cause disruption for some drivers. Work will be paused during the day of Bridgwater Carnival and we are planning to work 24/7 to ensure the upgrade is finished as soon as possible.”


Q1. Why are the works needed and what work will be undertaken? J23 Roundabout is a key junction in Bridgwater’s highway network and the works will help to deal with congestion during peak times on both the local roads and M5. The scheme will introduce signalisation in order to manage and improve traffic flow. Pedestrian routes are also being improved.


Q2. How are these works planned and organised?

This scheme, and Bridgwater works in general, are being programmed strategically to minimise traffic congestion and delays.  For example work will largely be paused during the day of Bridgwater Carnival and are programmed to take place during the winter months to avoid peak holiday season. Work is also being undertaken outside of the busy periods each day and will go on throughout the night to ensure it finishes swiftly.


Q3. How will the traffic be managed?

Lane closures will be avoided where possible, but lanes will be narrowed or reduced in number to ensure work can be undertaken safely whilst still enabling traffic to flow.


Q4. How long will the works take?

It is expected that the works will be complete by spring 2018 and the contractors will work hard to ensure that deadline is met. As the works progress the timetable for the completion of the works and the progress being made will be updated and communicated to all stakeholders and interested parties.


Q5. Where has funding come from?

The project is funded by the Hinkley Point C project and is part of an ongoing investment program in local infrastructure. £20 million has already been invested in local roads.


Q6. How will you ensure that traffic does not back onto the M5? We are liaising with Highways England with respect to signage on the M5 advising of these works taking place and will also utilise the M5 motorway monitoring information system to manage any adverse impact on the M5. We are also working closely with Somerset County Council who control the local road network.


Q7. Will the roadworks disrupt Bridgwater Carnival?

The works will largely be paused during Bridgwater Carnival and measures will be undertaken to ensure that the impact of the works are minimised on other important local events. This will be achieved through careful planning of the activities and liaison with relevant stakeholders.


Q8. What about disruption to businesses? Can they claim compensation?

We appreciate that there is never a good time to carry out road works, and we have timed these to make best use of what is typically a quieter time of year for commuting traffic on our roads. We do sympathise with local businesses but obviously this is work we are committed to carrying out, and it will have a firm long-term benefit. As you might appreciate miles of improvements in our country are undertaken in any given year.  As such it is simply not viable to compensate business directly due to disruption from road works. We will liaise with businesses to ensure they are informed before and during the works.


Q9. Can the works to the roundabout be undertaken at night?

Yes, works will be undertaken throughout the night. Work will be reduced and or stopped during peak periods and traffic management will be pulled back to ensure the roundabout functions well during rush hours. 



The next Parish Council Meeting will be held at the Village Hall beginning at 7.30pm on Tuesday 7 November 2017. Members of the public are invited.


Nick van der Bijl

Mark Parish Council


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