The Planning Process


Planning is probably the most contentious and most difficult subject that our Parish Council has to address and sometimes results in impoliteness. Some applications can be administered, after due consideration, usually by voting using e-mail with the result posted to our Parish Clerk. Others may result in debate either within the Parish Council or during representation from members of the Public either by letter/e-mail or verbally at meetings, such as with the affordable housing project.


It is important to appreciate that the Parish Council is a Consultee, as are members of the Public, and vote either Recommended or Not Recommended.  Applications are then passed to Sedgemoor District Council where they are reviewed by the Development Committee, in an executive role, which votes either Approved or Refused. It can and does override Parish Council recommendations, which happened with virtually every application from National Grid. Applicants also have right of appeal to the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol against a decision of the District Council.



Methods of Publicising Applications


Sedgemoor District Council notify residents in the vicinity on applications with details of how to make representations.


a.    Sedgemoor District Council post notices near the entrance to sites, such as    

       on telegraph poles or a gate.


b.   Sedgemoor District Council broadcasts planning applications to


      the local press e.g. Burnham Weekly News and on line.




c.   Five days before the next scheduled Parish Council meeting,


      planning applications due for consideration are listed on the two


      Parish noticeboards at the Village Shop and the lay-by at Laurel





​d.   The Parish Council lists results of planning applications in the


       monthly Parish Briefing.   





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