JULY 2014



A Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Mark on Tuesday, 1st July 2014 at 7.00 p.m.

Present:- Councillor N. van  der Bijl (Chairman), Councillors Mrs D. Bayliss, Mrs E. Corkish, S. Emary, G. Francis, Mrs C. Gibson, M. Schollar and Mrs J. Weekes with the Clerk.

Apology for absence received from District Councillor R. Burden and County Councillor D. Huxtable.


19. Declarations of Interest


Councillors Mrs E. Corkish, and Mrs J. Weekes declared personal interests in matters relating to Mark Village Hall, Councillor Francis declared a personal interest in issues relating to National Grid as a shareholder.


20. Minutes


The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 6th May 2014 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


21. Report of the County Councillor


It was noted that County Councillor Huxtable had submitted a written report relating to the highway budget, his work to obtain a SID for Mark and Flood Alleviation and Health and Wellbeing grants. It was agreed to enquire as to the current position regarding work to the ditch adjoining the White Horse Inn from the Drainage Board.


22. Play Area


Councillor Schollar reported upon issues regarding removal of the old fence. It was agreed to thank Mr J. Williams for his assistance. Councillor Schollar undertook to reinstate the sites of the old posts and it was agreed that he be authorised to spend up to £200 on a new notice board to be fixed on the new fence. Councillor Schollar was thanked for his work in connection with the matter. It was also agreed to enter the 2014 SPFA Field of the Year Competition.


23. Finance


a) Balance of Accounts

It was reported that the balance of accounts at 1st June were as follows:- Current £1,498.49, Reserve £15,746.14.


b) Financial Regulations

It was agreed to adopt revised model Financial Regulations supplied by the Somerset Association of Local Councils.


c) Authorisation for Payment

It was agreed that the following payments be made:-

000779 G. Bickers                        grass cutting                            £394.00

000780 Mr & Mrs M. Webber     refund cemetery fee                 £120.00

000781 Parish Clerk                     expenses                                  £206.57


24. Highway Matters

It was agreed to report specified defects at Mark Causeway, Vole Road and Butt Lake Crossroads together with damaged railings at Yarrow Road and a visibility problem caused by an overgrown hedge at the White Horse Inn. It was also agreed to see if Gary Bickers could repair vehicle erosion damage at Jubilee Green and also cut growth at the back of the area. Councillor Schollar reported upon recent statistics regarding Community Speedwatch. It was agreed to seek an update from County Highways regarding the extension to the School yellow hatching to The Croft at Mark Causeway. Councillor Francis had purchased paint to refurbish the former British Telecom kiosk at Laurel Farm and the historic finger post directional signs in the village with voluntary assistance. A replacement finger post sign to Mark at the A38 at Tarnock would also be requested. No response had been received from County Highways regarding problems caused by overhanging trees in Dutch Road.


25. Planning Matters


An update of planning applications received together with the recommendations of this Council and the decisions of the District Council was submitted. The following planning application was considered:-

019 Erection of car port, 23 Merryfield, Mark – J. Iddles – recommend permission.

It was agreed to report a residential caravan at the Stables, Harp Road and a container at Trevenna Cottage to the Planning Enforcement Officer and to seek an update on Bramley Farm. It was also agreed not to seek reinstatement of a development boundary at Mark Causeway. Reference was made to a recent public exhibition relating to proposals for a solar panel development at Yardwall and it was noted that a planning application was likely to be submitted in the future.


26. National Grid


Councillor Mrs Corkish submitted a detailed report on issues relating to National Grid including a timetable of likely work in the coming months. It was unanimously agreed that a statement containing the initial comments of Mark Parish Council, which had been circulated to all Members prior to the Meeting, be approved for registration with PINS.


National Grid’s application for a Development Consent Order to install overhead pylons and underground power cables through Somerset had been accepted into the planning process. The application would now be examined by the Planning Inspectorate. From 12th July, any members of the public who wished to be involved with the process could register their interest with the Planning Inspectorate. This could be done by filling in the ‘Registration and Relevant Representation Form’ on the Planning Inspectorate’s dedicated Hinkley Point C Connection project page  The deadline for registration was 26th August 2014.


After registration had closed, the Planning Inspectorate would hold a meeting to explain the timetable for the six-month formal examination period that would follow. During the examination the Planning Inspectorate would ask for the opinions of people who had registered an interest and might invite them to speak at any public hearings. In around 12 months’ time, the Planning Inspectorate would make a recommendation to Government who would decide whether the new connection should be built.


27. Village Hall /Football Pitch Area


It was reported that work would shortly commence on the refurbishment of the bar area in the hall. Reference was made to an on-going problem of model aircraft flying which the Mark Community Association were following up and the Chairman undertook to approach the Bowls Club regarding coach parking issues.


28. Affordable Housing


Councillor Emary submitted an update on affordable housing. An article had been placed in the parish magazine seeking possible suggestion of potential sites and a further meeting with Duncan Harvey had been scheduled for August.


29. Parish Council Web-site


Councillor Mrs Weekes submitted a report on the current position regarding the development of a web-site for Mark Parish Council. A considerable amount of text had been compiled and it was noted that a meeting would shortly be held with Rob Faulkner of Future Dog I T Solutions to progress the matter.


30. Cemetery Benches


Councillor Mrs Corkish reported that Neil Corkish had made the two memorial benches safe. It was agreed that should the benches be deemed unsafe in the future and, if the donor families cannot be traced, the benches be removed but the plaques be retained.


31. Church Floodlighting


It had been established that the floodlights at Mark Church had been turned off for lent. The floodlights were now in use.


32. Next Meeting


It was agreed that the next Meeting be held in the Village Hall on 2nd September 2014 at 7.00 p.m.





The Meeting closed at 8.40 p.m.                                                             Chairman

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