Tuesday 21st February 2017

A Special Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Mark on Tuesday, 21st February 2017 at 7.30 p.m.


Present:- Councillor N. Van der Bijl (Chairman), Councillors Mrs E. Corkish, Mrs S. Flack, Mrs A. Hanlon, W. Human and Mrs J. Weekes with the Clerk.


Apology for absence received from Councillor G. Francis.


55. Declarations of Interest


Councillor Mrs Corkish declared an interest in planning application nos. 001 and 002 as a near neighbour.


56. Planning Portfolio


The following applications were considered:-


030 Removal of agricultural occupancy condition, Wind in the Willows, Dutch Road, Mark – A. Thorowgood – no observations;

037 Change of use, conversion and extension to form two storey building with ground floor office and first floor apartment at Churchlands, Mark – Paradign Design Solutions Ltd – recommend refusal;

001 Erection of detached dwelling, Uplands House, Blackford Road, Mark – Mrs J. Thompson –  confirm recommendation of permission;

002 Erection of 1.5m high stone wall to block existing entrance at The Old Vicarage, Vicarage Lane, Mark – M. Gazzard – confirm no observations;

003 Erection of first floor rear extension, 6 Council Houses, Mark Causeway – Mr & Mrs B. Pople – recommend permission;

005 Change of use and conversion of redundant barn to house and garage, demolition of 3 redundant agricultural buildings and alteration of access, Corndell Farm, Mark Causeway – Mr & Mrs A. Randell – recommend permission.


57 Sedgemoor District Proposed Submission Local Plan 2011-2032 (Regulation 19 Consultation)


Members considered the above consultation document. Mark was shown as a Tier 3 settlement with development boundaries around Mark Causeway and the “village centre” It was agreed to request that a development boundary be also included around the essentially built up area of The Causeway.


58. Authorisation for Payment


The following payments were authorised -


000834   GB Sport & Leisure UK Ltd   play equipment maintenance work        £455.34

000835    GWB Services                        maintenance work                                  £148.50


59. Statement of Internal Control


Members considered and approved a statement of Internal Control for 2016/17.


60. Bus Service 67 – Burnham on Sea - Wells


Members received an update on the position regarding Bus Service 67. A reduced service between Burnham on Sea and Wells, funded by the County Council, would take place from 6th March until 21st July. Further negotiations would take place into subsequent funding by Town/Parish Councils along the route and a further meeting would be held in March 2017.




61. Community Payback Schemes/Village Clean-up Day


The Chairman reported that arrangements had been made for Community Payback schemes to take place on 25th February and 25th March (to coincide with Village Clean-up Day). The workers would clear litter from the sides of roads and droves. The session on 25th March would incur a charge of £30.00.


62. Casual Vacancy


The Chairman reported that David Champion had tendered his resignation from the Council for personal reasons. The resultant vacancy was being advertised in accordance with the statutory procedure.



The meeting closed at 8.35 p.m.








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