MAY 2017


Mark and Wedmore Ward

Polly Costello – 01934 713564

Will Human – 01278 641795


Will and Polly have attended a number of meetings this month at Sedgemoor District Council.  Both have been busy on the committees that they sit on. Will was present at the Audit and Governance Committee at which the annual budget and audit of the Council’s operations were scrutinised before being sent for approval at Full Council next month. Also at this meeting was presented the regular ‘risk’ report. Polly was successful in her election to become the Vice Chair of the Licensing and Gambling committee. Her position will be ratified at Full Council in May. She is also very busy serving on the Wedmore Village Plan committee that is looking to produce an individual plan for Wedmore. Anyone who is interested in knowing more about this should contact Polly.






The following people have put themselves forward to stand for Mark Parish Council:


  • HICKS, Angela Margaret.  
  • HORN, Jan.
  • NOURSE, Peter.


Elections are on Thursday 4 May 2017. Also, remember Somerset County Council elections also on 4 May and the General Election on 8 June.  Mark Village Hall is our local Polling Station.


NATIONAL GRID. Following the paragraph in the April 2017 Parish Magazine that It is understood that National Grid intends to demolish Wainbridge, even though it is a listed building’, National Grid Community Relations have since contacted the Parish Council to confirm that the company has no intention of purchasing Wainbridge and Wainbridge Farm.  I would like to take this opportunity to offer my apologies for distress that may have been caused by the April statement.


National Grid have suggested that there is unlikely to be any construction on the T-pylons in 2017 and possibly not in 2018 because the Hinkley Point contract has yet be finalised.  NG Community Relations have agreed to keep the Parish informed of work, as they have already done with the borehole tests.  


ANNUAL DEFIBRILLATOR TRAINING. On the front wall of Mark Village Hall, there is an Automated External Defibrillation (AED) device. Our annual Defibrillator training will take place at the Village Hall between 10am to 11am on Saturday 13 May. The aim is to give delegates the knowledge and competencies needed to deal with Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Automated External Defibrillation (AED), safely, promptly and effectively in emergency situations. There is no need to book a place, simply turn up.  Organisations that use the Village Hall are recommended to be represented.


ANNUAL PARISH SPRING CLEAN. Very many thanks to those parishioners who were able to contribute to our annual ‘Spring clean’ on 25 March 2017. A significant amount of litter was collected, some undoubtedly residue from the Council collections.  A letter has been written to Somerset Waste asking that when recycling/bin lorries move between areas of collections that the flaps are closed. Unfortunately, no-one from Community Payback was available on the day!


PARISH COUNCIL WEBSITE. The site is getting over 1,000 hits a month, and is read from many areas throughout the world!!


Councillor Mrs. Jendy Weekes receives updates for the website, especially events in the Parish, but would very much like to receive any information that Clubs and Organisations wish to be advertised. (Forthcoming Events are in the Diary of Events 2017, at the beginning of the website).  She also lists events that are advertised in the Parish Magazine. It is thought that some Clubs and Organisations have probably changed their contact details and therefore she requests that these are sent to her so that the website can be updated. Jendy can be contacted either through the website or on or both.  We would also like to receive details from businesses in the Parish who wish to be linked to the website. 


BUS 67. The Parish Council has met with other Parish councils in East Huntspill Church Hall to discuss the situation in relation to the 67 Bus Service. Mark has put forward its ideas as to how it, together with the other parishes, can help to fund a bus service if Somerset County Council (SCC) are no longer able afford to run the service after July. Matters discussed included costing, time table and destinations. Mark Parish Council has done its best to co-operate with other Councils in finding away forward with this problem.


The Council received an email from Tom Main of SCC telling the Council that;

“Due to the fact we are in the pre-election period before the Local Government Elections on 4 May it is not appropriate for the Council to hold any meetings or release any information relating to this issue. Please be assured this is only for this pre-election period, once it has passed we will focus on the 67 as a priority, the next meeting will be arranged and updated cost and revenue information will be sent to all.”


The Council will attend this meeting and let the village know the outcome.



The next Parish Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 9 May 2017 at the Village Hall.  Members of the public are invited.


Nick van der Bijl


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