Newsletter No. 11 - February 2017
Proposed development of affordable
rented homes for Mark Residents
Following the Community and CLT members’ consultation sessions and amendments to the proposed plans as a result of those sessions, the Planning Application was registered on 14th October 2016. The Application went before the Planning Development committee on the 6th December where it was approved.
Sadly, not all members of the community are in agreement with this decision and have registered their dissatisfaction with the CLT. The CLT and its partners continue to take all concerns expressed seriously and have endeavoured to provide appropriate solutions but unfortunately not to the satisfaction of those most strongly objecting. Refer to the CLT website for full details of the solutions proposed by the CLT post the Member and Public Consultations.
The CLT AGM was held on the 24th November 2016, where the following resolution was proposed by a CLT member.
“In view of the lack of support for the Northwick Rd development by the District Councillor, Mark Parish Council and the number of objections, I resolve that the MCLT should withdraw their Planning Application in order to focus on a more viable location."
A ballot paper was issued to all CLT members, together with documents addressing the concerns expressed to enable members to make an informed decision. A total of 90 valid ballot papers were received from a membership of 117. There were 25 members in favour of the Resolution, 63 against, and 2 abstentions. In view of this result, the Board considers it continues to have strength of support from its members and the broader community to proceed. The Board would like to take this opportunity to thank all those that continue to support its endeavours.
It is anticipated that work will commence on site mid-February following the completion of the land purchase and other legal processes.
As the CLT has now secured Planning Permission for the erection of 12 affordable rented dwellings on the land south of Northwick Road, Mark. It is important if you are in housing need, have a local connection to, and are looking for an affordable rented home in Mark to register your interest. When the construction is almost at completion stage the homes will be advertised on Homefinder Somerset ( South Western Housing Society ( who provides high quality affordable homes will be managing the properties. Now is the time to ensure that your application if you have already registered on Homefinder Somerset is up to date with the correct information this will ensure that the properties are allocated correctly through the local lettings policy. If you haven’t registered yet please ensure you do so on if you need help with your form please contact the Housing Advice team on 0300 303 7800. There will be further information provided on site boards at Northwick Road, on notice boards in the village and via the Newsletter as the build gets underway.