001 & 002LB Conversion of two outbuildings to two, one bedroom holiday lets, Packhorse Farm, Church Street, Mark – Mr. and Mrs. B. Morley. Parish Council RECOMMENDED REFUSAL 22.2.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 29.3.2016.


003 Piping and infilling of ditch, The Willows, Poplar Lane, Mark – D. Kaye. Parish Council RECOMMENDED PERMISSION 3.5.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 23.5.2016.


004 Erection of extension, Holcroft House, Southwick Road, Mark – Mrs. A. Puddy – Parish Council RECOMMENDED PERMISSION 10.3.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 6.4.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 11.4.2016.


005 Erection of conservatory to front elevation, Chelvey Batch, Yarrow Road, Mark – Mrs. S. Williams – Parish Council NO OBSERVATIONS 19.3.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 14.4.2016.


006 Erection of single storey extension to rear elevation, The Granary, Mark Causeway – C. Holdom – Parish Council NO OBSERVATIONS 5.4.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 14.5.2016.


007 Change of use of agricultural building to dwelling and associated operational development to the south of Littlemoor Road, Mark – Mr. and Mrs. S. House – Parish Council RECOMMEDED REFUSAL 15.4.2016. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION 17.5.2016.


008 Change of use of agricultural building to dwelling and associated operational development to the east of Green Drove, Mark – T. Puddy – Parish Council RECOMMENDED REFUSAL 15.4.2016. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION 17.5.2016.


009 Installation of electronic telecommunications apparatus, Kingsway, Mark – BT Openreach – PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT


010 Erection of extension to west elevation to form annex accommodation, Plum Tree Farm, Harp Road, Mark – Mr. & Mrs. C. Mitchell. Parish Council RECOMMENDED PERMISSION 3.5.2016



011 Erection of dwelling and formation of access, The Croft, Littlemoor Road, Mark – S. Osborne. . Parish Council RECOMMENDED PERMISSION 3.5.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 20.5.2016.




013 Erection of single storey extension to east elevation, 16 Queensway Close, Mark – Mr. & Mrs. L. Forster. Parish Council RECOMMENDED PERMISSION 3.5.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 18.5.2016.


014 Demolition of Ingleside, The Causeway, Mark and erection of two dwellings – K. Leavey. Parish Council RECOMMENDED PERMISSION 19.5.2016. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION 22.6.2016.


015 Certificate of Lawfulness for the existing use of building as a self contained dwelling, Cottage 1, Willow Tree Farm, Vole Road, Mark – T. Mogg. Parish Council NO OBSERVATIONS 19.5.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 24.6.2016.


016 & 017LB Erection of extension and alterations, Orchard Cottage, The Causeway, Mark - Mr. and Mrs. Watts. Parish Council RECOMMENDED PERMISSION 6.7.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 21.7.2016.


018 Erection of steel portal framed building to be used for the storage of wooden pallets, lorries and machinery for use in connection with Mark Sawmills, Blackford Road, Mark – Somerlap Forestry Products Ltd. Parish Council RECOMMENDED PERMISSION 16.8.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 24.8.2016.


019 & 20LB Change of use and conversion of redundant cottage to a holiday let, Upper Southwick Farm, Southwick – Mr. and Mrs. N. Perry. Parish Council RECOMMENDED PERMISSION 27.7.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 18.8.2016.


021 Change of use of agricultural building to dwelling and associated operational development to the east of Green Drove, Mark – T. Puddy – Parish Council RECOMMENDED REFUSAL 6.7.2016. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION 24.8.2016.


022 Change of use of agricultural building to B8 storage with ancillary office use and staff w/c and shower facility, Laurel Farm, Mark Causeway – Mr. and Mrs. J. Griffin.  Parish Council RECOMMENDED PERMISSION 27.7.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 23.8.2016.


023 Notice of proposed agricultural development – erection of an agricultural building, west of Harp Road, Mark – M.E. and E.J. Puddy – no consultation. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 4.8.2016.


024 Removal of specified section of hedgerow between Northwick Road and Back Lane, Mark – R. Puddy and Son. Parish Council NO OBSERVATIONS 16.8.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 22.8.2016.


025 Erection of single storey rear and side extensions, Toad Hall, Kingsway, Mark – Mr. and Mrs. M. Bown. Parish Council RECOMMENDED PERMISSION 16.8.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 1.9.2016.


026 Prior approval for the change of use of an agricultural building to a dwelling, Dutch Court Farm, Dutch Road, Mark – Mr. and Mrs. E. May. Parish Council RECOMMENDED PERMISSION 23.8.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 30.9.2016.


027 Erection of extensions and loft conversion, Orchard Batch, Blackford Road, Mark – Mr. and Mrs. B. Richard. Parish Council RECOMMENDED PERMISSION 23.8.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 16.9.2016.


028 Erection of livestock building on site of existing to be demolished, Nut Tree Farm, Vole Road, Mark – P. Carnell. Parish Council RECOMMENDED PERMISSION 15.10.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 24.11.2016.


029 Erection of agricultural machinery store, 4 The City – I. Jones. Parish Council RECOMMENDED PERMISSION 1.11.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 19.12.2016.


030 Erection of 10 dwellings and 2 flats, formation of access and parking, south of Northwick Road – Mark Community Land Trust Ltd. Parish Council RECOMMENDED REFUSAL 1.11.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 6.12.2016.


031 Change of use and conversion of building to dwelling and formation of access for existing dwelling, Willow Tree Farm, Vole Road, Mark – T. Mogg. Parish Council RECOMMENDED PERMISSION 6.12.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 16.1.2017.




032 Erection of agricultural building, north-east of Southwick Road, Mark – W.J. and P. Puddy – PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT.


033 Erection of agricultural worker’s dwelling, Perry Farm, Perry Road, Mark – Mr. & Mrs. S. Church. Parish Council RECOMMENDED PERMISSION 6.12.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 5.1.2017.


034 Retention of access and drainage pipe, Trevenna Cottage, Harp Road, Mark – N. Jeffries. Parish Council NO OBSERVATIONS 6.12.2016. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 23.12.2016.


035 Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to a dwelling and associated operational development, south of Littlemoor Road, Mark – Mr. & Mrs. S. House. Parish Council RECOMMENDED REFUSAL 6.12.2016. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION 19.1.2017.


036 Erection of extensions and other alterations, Crooked Ham, Vole Road, Mark – Mrs. E. Luckwell. Parish Council RECOMMENDED PERMISSION 3.1.2017. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 30.1.2017.


037 Change of use, conversion and extension to single storey office to form two storey building with ground floor office and first floor three-bedroom apartment at Churchlands/Church Street, Mark – Paradign Design Solutions Ltd. Parish Council RECOMMENDED REFUSAL 21.2.2017. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION 9.3.2017.







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