Newsletter No. 9 - October 2016
Proposed development of affordable
rented homes for Mark Residents
A Public Drop-in Session was held on Saturday 3rd September at Mark Village hall from 2pm-6pm and was well attended.
In addition to MCLT Steering Group members, representatives from Sedgemoor District Council (SDC), South Western Housing Society (SWHS), and GCP, all of whom are partnering with MCLT, were on hand to answer questions.
Attendees had the opportunity to view the proposed design plans, ask questions of the representatives from the attending organisations, and invited to complete a Feedback Form to assist MCLT in evaluating the overall opinions and views of the community. A summary of the feedback received from both Community Consultation events is available for viewing on our website.
Several people took up the chance to speak with the SDC and SWHS representatives and make the initial steps to enrol on the Sedgemoor Homes register their interest in an affordable rented home in Mark
We extend a warm welcome to those people that signed up as Shareholders during this session and look forward to meeting you at future Shareholder meetings.
A further Shareholders only meeting has been scheduled for Thursday 29th September and will serve as the final meeting prior to formal Planning Application being made. At this meeting we will share the final proposed plans and inform shareholders of what actions and changes have been undertaken to incorporate suggested changes and address concerns from the recent community consultations.
Anyone wishing to register for an affordable rented home in Mark, is encouraged to do this as soon as possible by visiting and completing an application form, indicating the village of ‘Mark’ as their preferred place to live and answer all questions about their connection to the village. Those already registered are encouraged to check their application to ensure they have stated ‘Mark’ as their preferred location. Application forms can also be obtained by calling the council on 0300 303 7800.
If you are not yet a member of the CLT and would like to join, you can do so a by purchasing shares at a cost of £1 each from any one of the MCLT Steering Group members, or by Email request to or by writing to our Registered Address below.
Mark Community Land Trust Ltd (MCLT), Registered Address: Mallards, Fishers Lane, Mark, Highbridge, Somerset TA9 4LZ. Telephone: 01278 641304. Registration No. 7131R