MINUTES of a Planning Meeting of Mark Parish Council held at Mark Village Hall on

Wednesday 8th April 2015 at 6.00 p.m.


Present:- Councillors Mrs D Bayliss, N Van der Bijl, Mrs E Corkish, S. Emary, G Francis, Mrs C Gibson, M. Schollar and Mrs J Weekes



  1. Declarations of interest - Mr G Francis declared an interest over application 33/15/00010


  1. Minutes of the planning meeting held on 16th February 2015 were confirmed as a correct record


  1. Comments Planning applications :

  Planning application 33/14/00010 -  Full Planning Permission

  • Location: Langdale, The Causeway, Mark
  •  Application: Retention of car port to side (East) elevation
  • Applicant: Mrs C Kelson
  • Comments: We object to this planning application as we consider it is contrary to policy D2 of the SDC LDF Core Strategy in that the design is not of high quality and does not contribute to the quality of the street scene along Mark Causeway or public realm. It dominates the scene as viewed from the neighbouring dwelling as it is far too big and is not in keeping with the present building.

If the Planning Officer has a mind to refuse permission then we expect and request that enforcement action is taken to have the construction removed.


Planning application 33/15/00012 - Application for Non-material Changes

  • Location: Land north-east of, Chestnut Farm, Southwick, Mark
  • Application: Application for Non-material amendment to Planning Permission 33/14/00024 (Formation of Solar Photovoltaic Farm, generating up to 3MWp with associated ancillary infrastructure and access for a temporary period of up to 27 Years.) to amend the location of the security fence, layout of arrays, position of substation, replace two proposed transformer-inverter kiosks with one located adjacent to substation and addition of store building.
  • Applicant: Belltown Solar 3 Limited.
  • Comments: We consider that this application does not comply with one for  Non-material Changes in that the application seems to change many aspects that are material to the original application. We also note that a culvert in a Rhyne to the right hand side of a small bridge off Yardwall Road has already been blocked by the developer endangering houses along Yardwall Road from flooding. 


Planning application 33/15/00013 - Listed Building Consent

  • Location: Packhorse Farm, Church Street, Mark
  • Application: Replacement of 15 uPVC windows with hard wood windows.
  • Applicant: Mrs J Morley
  • Comments: We support this application as we consider it complies with national planning policy guidance 15 for historic buildings. It will improve the character and look of this historic building in that wooden windows will replicate those used in the original construction.


Planning application 33/15/00014 - Full Planning Permission

  • Location: 6 Council Houses, The Causeway, Mark
  • Application: Erection of first floor extension.
  • Applicant: Mr & Mrs Pople
  • Comments: We support this application as we consider it complies with policies D2 and D16. It will not overlook or dominate any neighbouring dwellings


Planning application 33/15/00015 - Full Planning Permission

  • Location: Building to the North of, Larches, The Causeway, Mark.
  • Application: Erection of tractor/plant storage shed.
  • Applicant: Mr & Mrs R May
  • Comments: We object to this planning application as we consider that it is over development at the site. There is currently enough storage on site which is becoming a commercial site in place of  residential with some home working


Planning application 33/15/00016 - Reserved Matters

  • Location: Reed Farm, Southwick, Mark
  • Application: Reserved Matters Application for the erection of agricultural workers dwelling, garage and formation of access.
  • Applicant: CL, AE & R C Sweet
  • Comments: Whilst we do not object to the application we require and expect that an agricultural tie is placed on this development and that the development is tied via a 106 agreement to the main farm, Blagdon Farm, in Burtle.


Planning application 33/15/00017 - Full Planning Permission

  • Location: 4 West Close, The Causeway, Mark
  • Application: Erection of part two storey, part single storey extension to rear (South) elevation, partly on site of existing (to be demolished), porch and dormer window to front (North) elevation.
  • Applicant: Mrs V Puddy.
  • Comments: We support this application as it complies with policy D2 of the SDC Core Strategy. We consider that the development will not compromise or overlook any neighbouring properties.


Planning application 33/15/00018 - Full Planning Permission

  • Location: Ivy House Farm, The Causeway, Mark
  • Application: Change of use and conversion of barn to annexe accommodation to the main dwelling.
  • Applicant: Mrs Catterall.
  • Comments: We support this planning application as the development has no kitchen and is so not a separate dwelling but is obviously ancillary accommodation to the  main house. We also ask and  expect that the development is tied via a 106 agreement to the main house.


4)  Issues that should be reported to enforcement at Sedgemoor District Council -

a)         M Schollar agreed to report the development at Bramble Farm to planning and enforcement at SDC due to the application information not being correct.

b)         It was also agreed to report the illegal highway entrance opened at Crooked Ham, Vole Road to enforcement.

c)         We are concerned that at the site of planning application 33/15/00012 (Formation of Solar Photovoltaic Farm, generating up to 3MWp with associated ancillary infrastructure and access for a temporary period of up to 27 Years.) a culvert in a Rhyne to the right hand side of a small bridge off Yardwall Road has already been blocked by the developer endangering houses along Yardwall Road from flooding. 




Meeting closed at 06.50pm

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