Mark Community Land Trust

Site Location - Why this site?



The proposed site at Northwick Road meets some key requirements to be considered for new housing in the village:


Available - the landowner is willing to sell the land at a price that is viable for the CLT and Housing Association.


Adjacent to the village development boundary - the site would form a natural extension to the main village.


Accessible - the site can be accessed off Northwick Road with a new junction that will provide safe visibility in both directions.


Low risk of flooding - The site offers a unique opportunity to create new homes as it is one of the few areas of land in the village to sit outside the high flood risk zone.  The proposals incorporate measures to ensure the development does not contribute to flooding either into the ditch system or to adjacent homes. The development will include oversized drainage for flood storage and swales to retain surface water and slow run-off.


Services and Drainage with adequate capacity are easily accessible





Access - Northwick Road is narrow and the junction with Vole Road is poor.


Pedestrian safety - there are no footways on Northwick Road or Vole Road.


Surface water - will need to be carefully designed to ensure no additional run-off or increased risk of flooding elsewhere.





No other site has been identified that meets the main criteria of availability, accessibility and low flood risk within or adjacent to the village boundary





If you have any queries please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council:


01278 789859 or email here






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