A Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Mark on Tuesday, 18th March 2014 at 8.40 p.m.
Present:- Councillor N. van der Bijl (Chairman), Councillors Mrs D. Bayliss, Mrs E. Corkish, S. Emary, G. Francis, Mrs C. Gibson, M. Schollar and Mrs J. Weekes with the Clerk.
Apology for absence received from District Councillor R. Burden and County Councillor D. Huxtable.
70. Disclosures of Interest
Councillors Mrs E. Corkish and Mrs J. Weekes disclosed personal interests in matters relating to Mark Village Hall and Councillor Francis disclosed a personal interest in issues relating to National
Grid as a shareholder.
71. Minutes
The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 7th January 2014 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
72. Play Area
Councillor Schollar reported upon three estimates obtained for new dog proof fencing and gate together with an estimate for repairing the safety surfacing around the roundabout. There was currently a
shortfall in available funds and it was agreed to defer a decision on the matter to the next Meeting to enable possible sources of external funding to be explored. It was noted that the annual
inspection of the play equipment had taken place in January and no major or urgent issues had been identified.
73. Finance
a) Balance of Accounts
It was reported that the balance of accounts at 1st March were as follows:- Current £765.69, Reserve £12,977.19.
b) Authorisation for Payment
It was agreed that the following payments be made:-
000772 Parish Clerk expenses £176.43
000773 Somerset Community Foundation grant £100.00
74. Highway Matters
It was agreed that Members E-mail details of highway defects to the Clerk for report to County Highways. Councillor Schollar reported upon recent developments regarding the administration of
Community Speedwatch. It was noted that Speedwatch sessions would resume on 24th March. County Highways were considering an extension to the School yellow hatching to The Croft at Mark Causeway. It
was agreed to consider refurbishing the former British Telecom kiosk at Laurel Farm with voluntary assistance during the summer and, if necessary, to refurbish the historic finger post directional
signs in the village through voluntary assistance. A report was submitted on the success of Village Clean-up Day. It was agreed to report problems caused by overhanging trees in Dutch Road. It was
understood that the Drainage Board was progressing a comprehensive scheme to overcome a drainage problem in the Northwick Road area.
75. Planning Matters
An update of planning applications received together with the recommendations of this Council and the decisions of the District Council was submitted. It was noted that application nos. 030 Trevenna
Cottage and 042 Coombs Cider Mill had been granted permission by the District Council’s Development Control Committee contrary to the views of the Parish Council. It was agreed to seek an update on
enforcement issues at Brambles Farm and land at Butt Lake Road.
76. National Grid
It was agreed that a Working Group of Members be established at the next Meeting to work on the Council’s input to next stage – the Examination process. Members were also invited to put forward ideas
of schemes which could be considered under the heading of mitigation.
77. Village Hall /Football Pitch Area
No issues were raised regarding the Village Hall/Football Pitch Area.
78. Affordable Housing
It was agreed to consider the Council’s response to the Mark Housing Needs Assessment at the next Meeting.
79. First World War Centenary Commemoration 2014
It was agreed to consider purchasing a further replacement seat for Jubilee Green and dedicating it to “Fallen Heros” to commemorate the First World War Centenary at a future Meeting.
80. Parish Council Web-site
It was agreed to give further consideration to this matter at the next Meeting.
81. Next Meeting
It was agreed that the next Meeting be held in the Village Hall on 6th May 2014 at 7.00 p.m.
The Meeting closed at 9.30 p.m. Chairman