A Special Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Mark on Monday, 5th October 2015 at 7.00 p.m.


Present:- Councillors D. Champion, Mrs E. Corkish, Mrs A. Hanlon, W. Human and Mrs J. Weekes with the Clerk.


Apology for absence received from Councillors N. van der Bijl, Mrs S. Flack and G. Francis.


46. Appointment of Chairman for the Meeting


In view of the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, it was agreed that Councillor Mrs Corkish be appointed Chairman for the Meeting.

Councillor Mrs Corkish in the chair

47. Declarations of Interest


Councillor Mrs Weekes declared prejudicial interests in planning applications 035LB, 036LB and 039 as a near neighbour and left the Meeting during consideration thereof.


48. Planning Portfolio


The following applications were considered:-

035LB Conversion of coach house to form a one bedroom holiday let, Packhorse Farm, Church Street, Mark – Mr. and Mrs. B. Morley – recommend permission;


036LB Conversion of Trindle House to form a one bedroom holiday let, Packhorse Farm, Church Street, Mark – Mr. and Mrs. B. Morley – recommend permission;


038 Erection of extension, 28 Merryfield, Mark – P. Gregory – recommend permission;


039 Change of use of two outbuildings to form one bedroom holiday lets, Packhorse Farm, Church Street, Mark – Mr. and Mrs. B. Morley – recommend permission;


040 & 041LB Change of use and conversion of barn and erection of two storey extension to south elevation of barn to form additional bed and breakfast accommodation, Pack Horse Inn, Church Street, Mark – P Pavle – defer for determination at a Site Visit;


042 Erection of two storey extension to east elevation on site of workshop to be demolished, Mill Batch Farm, Blackford Road, Mark – S. Moss – defer for determination at a Site Visit;


49. Projects


Members considered updates on various projects currently being undertaken. With regard to the work to the chain link fence in the cemetery, it was hoped that work would take place to clear the brambles this week with the fence being completed next week. It was noted that it had been decided since the last meeting to replace the fence with green chain link at a total cost of £690.00.


Two World War I commemorative seats had recently been delivered. Arrangements would be made to install one seat at Jubilee Green and it was agreed that the other seat be installed at the cemetery to replace three decaying commemorative benches.


The proposed dog waste bin for Jubilee Green was on order at a cost of £139.52. Installation was anticipated within four weeks.


Councillor Champion reported that work to refurbish the pull-in area at Jubilee Green was hoped to be completed during the next fortnight.


It was understood that Councillor Francis was making arrangements to refurbish the memorial board at Jubilee Green.


In view of the fact that Somerset County Council would charge a fee of £250 to simply investigate the idea, it was agreed to take no further action with regard to the proposal to add a playing field sign to the directional sign at the Church Street/Vole Road junction.


50. Authorisation for Payment


The following payments were authorised:-

DD           Sedgemoor District Council                         Dog waste bin emptying                      £83.62

000806    Glasdon UK Ltd                                            Commemorative seats                    £1,945.80




The meeting closed at 8.00 p.m.





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