We’re writing to let you know that we are starting work to remove 37 kilometres of existing pylons owned by Western Power Distribution (WPD) between Bridgwater and Sandford.
We’re carrying out the work in stages between October 2021 and summer 2022. First, we’ll remove the wires that run between the pylons. Where the wires cross over roads, we will erect scaffolding and use controlled lifting systems to lower and recover the wires. After we’ve done that, we’ll remove the pylons, then the foundations, and finally reinstate the land.
Taking down pylons is a much smaller piece of work than erecting new ones, involving fewer vehicles over a much shorter length of time. Our contractor Balfour Beatty will use the most appropriate traffic routes and WPD’s accesses to reach and remove each of the pylons along the route. The vehicles used for this work will display the attached identity signs so they can be easily recognised as working to remove the pylons.
We’ve written to communities along the route with the attached postcard, providing further information and a link through to our website for locations and timings of roadworks associated with this work.
The removal of these pylons is part of the 67 kilometres of overhead line that we’ll have removed by the time the project is completed in 2025.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
With thanks and best wishes
Laura Griffin
Community Relations Team
National Grid Hinkley Connection Project  
T: 0800 377 7347  



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