Newsletter No. 10 - November 2016



Proposed development of affordable

rented homes for Mark Residents



A Members only meeting was held on Thursday 29th September and was the final meeting prior to the formal Planning Application being submitted. The purpose being to share feedback, both written and verbal received during the two Consultation sessions held in August and September, and to present the proposed actions and revised plans to address the concerns expressed, in particular in respect of access from Northwick Road.


A summary of the feedback was presented along with results of the Northwick Road Traffic Survey which was conducted during early September over a one-week period as a direct response to feedback. Attendees were also shown in detail the actions that have been undertaken by the MCLT and its partners to effectively address and manage the issues raised. These can be viewed in full on our website, in addition to the Traffic Survey.


Proposed solutions include additional road signage in both Vole Road and Northwick Road, cutting back of overgrown hedgerows at the Vole Road/Northwick Road junction which will greatly improve visibility, amongst other actions to address flooding concerns.


Early in the meeting, the Chairman Simon Emary, acknowledged receipt of a petition from residents in Northwick Road and Vole Road, which primarily focused on traffic related issues. It should be noted that this petition was presented on/or around the 21st September. Hence, those signing were not in a position to objectively consider the results of the Traffic survey, information and responses from the relevant agencies and experts, or indeed whether the proposed actions and revised plans presented during the meeting would adequately address the stated objections which had been verbally shared during the Consultation sessions.


A formal pre-planning meeting was conducted with Sedgemoor District Council (SDC) on 9th September, which was encouraging and positive, indicating the proposed development is appropriate and potentially viable. Based on this and the overall positive support of the wider Mark community, a formal Planning Application has now been made and we await the outcome, which potentially could be up to 13 weeks. We are also delighted to inform you that we have now received a formal offer of funding from Sedgemoor District Council.


Anyone wishing to register for an affordable rented home in Mark, is encouraged to do this as soon as possible by visiting and completing an application form, indicating the village of ‘Mark’ as their preferred place to live and answer all questions about their connection to the village. Those already registered are encouraged to check their application to ensure they have stated ‘Mark’ as their preferred location. Application forms can also be obtained by calling the council on 0300 303 7800.



If you have any queries please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council:


01278 789859 or email here






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