Mark Parish Council
APRIL 2024
Anti Social Behaviour:
The approach of Spring brings with it longer hours of daylight and hopefully better weather. It also allows us to make more use of the open spaces in and around our lovely Village.
Sadly there have recently been instances of problems being caused to local residents by motorcycle riders causing a noise disturbance at inappropriate times having impromptu gatherings on the roads on the outskirts of the Village and racing up and down. This can sometimes cause problems for parents trying to get their Children off to sleep.
In a recent instance, a resident confronted a group of riders and was threatened by them after an argument. It is accepted that the riders only wanted some fun, however, their ‘fun’ does not mean that others have to suffer from undue noise and threats.
It is strongly advised that in such cases, residents should not confront such groups but telephone Police. It is recognised that police may not be able to attend such calls immediately however, they will allocate resources where available to patrol the area and of course ultimately deal with those causing problems.
Foster Parents
The Parish Council received an interesting presentation from Somerset Councillors about some of the difficulties that Somerset Council are facing with the increased demands being made on them with Children and young people being taken into care or needing their assistance. Somerset Council would warmly welcome enquiries from people in our area willing to become Foster Parents. Any Volunteers would receive appropriate training, support, and some financial assistance in meeting this important challenge.
Village Organisations
Councillor Jendy Weekes maintains the Mark Parish Council website which is read not only in the Village but further afield and she does an excellent job. She is keen to ensure that everything on the site is relevant, up to date and includes the correct details of not just the various organisations but of the person nominated as the main point of contact for each. It is requested that anyone fulfilling such roles confirms their details with Jendy via
Welcome to new Parish Councillor
John Iddles has been Co-opted onto the Council having kindly volunteered to fill the vacancy caused by Louisa Kybert having had to step away. We will miss Louisa and wish her every success and warmly welcome John.
The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Tuesday 7th May at 7pm at the Church Hall.
Danny Kehoe