The Mark Baby and Toddler Group meet in the Church Hall, Vicarage Lane, Mark, on Friday mornings during term-time from 9.15 am until 12.30am.  Providing a small meeting place for local parents and carers to socialise and bring their little ones to play, the group caters for children aged from Birth up to school age.  A home corner, cars, tent and tunnel, dolls, books, puzzles and a baby corner are regularly on offer and the children have enjoyed a variety of crafts each week with activities such as play dough, painting, colouring and making cards and models.


The group was originally set up in September 2011 by three local mums, Amanda, Paula and Jo, who all had babies under one year old.  With generous donations of toys and equipment from the local community and support from Mark Harvest Pre-school, together with the Church leasing the Hall on a regular basis and agreeing to store the equipment, the new group was up and running with dozens of children attending weekly.


The local Health Visiting Team kindly agreed to hold a weighing and drop-in clinic during some of the sessions, which have proved very popular, so too have events such as picnics in the park, Easter egg hunt with soft play in the hall and the Christmas party, with a special visit from Father Christmas!


Fridays (term-time)        9.15 am – 10.45 am 

                                          11.00 am - 12.30 pm 

£2.00 per family including drinks and snacks         



Sarah Pitt




Facebook - Mark Baby and Toddler Group



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