Mark Parish Council is the fourth tier of government after Parliament, the County Council and the District Council. Its legal powers are granted to it and regulated by various government acts.
The Parish Council supplements the provision of local government services in Sedgemoor, while promoting and representing the village with other national and statutory bodies.
For example, the Parish Council acts as a consultee and lobbying force with both the County and District Councils, and both regional and national government, putting forward the wishes and needs of the local community. Somerset County Council, (whose main responsibilities include education, social services, highways, fire and rescue, strategic planning and libraries), consult with the Parish Council on such subjects as the County Structure Plan, the Local Transport Plan etc. and Sedgemoor District Council (which is mainly responsible for development control, environmental health, refuse collection, economic development, tourism and major recreational facilities) also consults with the Parish Council on such matters as the District Wide Local Plan and planning applications within Mark. (See also the useful links page for details of Somerset County Council and Sedgemoor District Council’s responsibilities).