A Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held in the Church Hall, Vicarage Road, Mark on Tuesday, 17th December 2019 at 6.30 p.m.


Present:- Councillor S. Emary (Chairman) Councillors D. Champion (from 6.45 p.m.), G. Francis, W. Human, J. Spencer and Mrs J. Weekes with the Clerk.


Apology for absence received from Councillors Mrs E. Corkish and Mrs J. Horn.


45. Declarations of Interest


Councillor Mrs J. Weekes declared a personal interest in matters relating to Mark Village Hall.


46. Minutes


The Minutes of the Meetings of the Council held on 5th and 28th November 2019 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as correct records.


47. Public Clock


It was noted that a faculty would not be required for the refurbishment work to the clock. Applications had been made for financial assistance from local organisations and a public appeal would be launched in February to assist with funding the cost of the work.


48. Finance


a) Balance of Accounts


It was reported that the balance of accounts at 29th November were as follows - Current £5,841.59, Reserve £35,026.59.


b) Authorisation for Payment


It was agreed that the following payments be made:-

000896 GWB Services                    grass and hedge cutting                   £478.80

000897 MCA                                   grant                                             £3,724.00

000898 Parish Clerk                        expenses & sundry payments          £359.80


c) Estimates 2020/21


The Council considered the Estimates for 2020/21. It was agreed that the Estimates be approved and the precept for 2020/21 be £17.600.


49. Planning Portfolio


There were no new planning applications to consider.


50. Public Areas Portfolio


a) Highway Matters


It was agreed to report a defect at Vole Road. It was noted that all recent fly-tipping deposits had been reported to the District Council and subsequently removed. It was understood that County Councillor Huxtable was pursuing the installation of flashing warning lights in the vicinity of the School. There was still an issue of parents parking near the School for long periods with engines running. The County Council had ordered the signage needed to implement the Traffic Order to extend the 30 mph speed limit at Blackford Road. Community Payback had carried ,out street/pavement cleaning in the Church Street/Littlemoor Road area. It was agreed to organise a Litter Pick Day on 29th February 2020.


Councillor Francis gave an update on the refurbishment of historic finger post signs He also reported upon the operation of the shared SID scheme.


b) Play Area


It was noted that a report on the annual safety inspection was awaited.


c) Public Rights of Way


There were currently no issues relating to the local public rights of way.


d) Village Hall /Football Pitch Area


It was noted that the new defibrillators had been installed by an electrician. Additional trees had also been planted in the Village Hall grounds.


51. Web-site Portfolio


Councillor Mrs Weekes reported upon statistics relating to visits to the web-site during November. Some local historical information relating to World War II would be added to the web-site in the near future.


52. Mark Emergency Plan


Councillor Francis reported that a snow event or prolonged winter power outage was likely to be the most serious emergency in Mark. Neighbourhood Watch would be best placed to identify and arrange assistance for vulnerable people. Neighbourhood Watch would also be organising a first aid course in June 2020.


53. Next Meeting


It was agreed that the next Meeting be held on 3rd March 2020 at 7.00 p.m.





The Meeting closed at 7.10 p.m.                                              Chairman

































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