A Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Mark on Tuesday, 8th September 2015 at 7.30 p.m.
Present:- Councillors N. van der Bijl (Chairman), D. Champion, Mrs E. Corkish, Mrs S. Flack, G. Francis, Mrs A. Hanlon, W. Human and Mrs J. Weekes with the Clerk and County Councillor D. Huxtable.
35. Declarations of Interest
Councillors Mrs E. Corkish, Mrs. J. Weekes and Mrs S. Flack declared personal interests in matters relating to Mark Village Hall. Councillor Francis declared a personal interest in issues relating to National Grid as a shareholder. Councillor Mrs S. Flack declared a personal interest in issues relating to Mark Cricket Club as a Committee Member and Councillors Mrs S. Flack and G. Francis declared personal interests in Mark Community Land Trust Ltd as members of the organisation.
36. Minutes
The Minutes of the Meetings of the Council held on 7th July and 17th August 2015 confirmed and signed by the Chairman as correct records.
37. Report of the County Councillor
County Councillor Huxtable reported upon budgetary and highway issues. Flashing warning lights for the School had been approved as a minor improvement scheme for next year.
38. Play Area
It was reported that the play area was runner up in the 2015 SPFA Field of the Year Competition.
39. Finance
a) Balance of Accounts
It was reported that the balance of accounts at 1st September were as follows - Current £4,121.62, Reserve £16,936.15
b) Audit of 2014/15 Accounts
It was noted that the External Auditors had completed the audit for 2014/15 and had concluded on the basis of their review, in their opinion the information in the annual return was in accordance with proper practices and no matters had come to their attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements had not been met. The internal auditor also had no issues to raise with Members.
c) Authorisation for Payment
It was agreed that the following payments be made:-
000803 Grant Thornton UK LLP Ltd audit fee £120.00
000804 GWB Services grass cutting £832.00
000805 Parish Clerk expenses £99.78
40. School Parking/Mark Cricket Club New Ground Development
Members considered an update on this matter. The MP was arranging a meeting with the County Council’s Estates Officer and representatives of the Parish Council and the County Councillor to discuss a mutually agreeable solution to the access rights issue. With regard to the Zig Zag markings, it was noted that the County Council were to advertise an appropriate traffic regulation order in 2015/16.
41. Public Areas Portfolio
a) Highway Matters
A number of white lines had recently been refurbished. Members were requested to e-mail the Clerk with details of highway defects for reporting to County Highways. Councillor Champion undertook to organise work to the surface of the pull in at Jubilee Green. The proposed wording of the plaque on the seat to commemorate the centenary of World War I was agreed. It was also agreed to add a brown directional sign to the playing field at the Vole Road/Church Street junction and to request Mr Bickers to reduce the height of the hedge at the back of Jubilee Green. It was noted that Wessex Water would be closing Dutch Road and Mark Causeway to carry out work during the winter period. Councillor George, Wedmore Parish Council, was in attendance to discuss problems caused by HGVs taking a short cut through local villages. Councillor George undertook to explore possible solutions and it was agreed to take part in a joint meeting in due course. Reference was made to recent accidents at the Harp Road bends and it was noted that the Chairman was awaiting a police report on the incidents.
b) Churchlands and Jubilee Green – Requests for Dog Waste Bins
Members considered requests for dog waste bins at Churchlands and at Jubilee Green. It was agreed to arrange for a dog waste bin to be installed next to a litter bin at Jubilee Green but that no action be taken in respect of a dog waste bin at Churchlands at the present time.
c) Cemetery Fence
Members considered two quotations for fencing work in the cemetery. It was agreed to accept the lowest quote received from M. Lapage of Brent Knoll at a total cost of £765 plus £350 for G. Bickers to clear undergrowth from the site.
d) Public Rights of Way
Councillor Francis reported upon repairs to a kissing gate near The City and Councillor Champion reported further upon the surfaces of Green Drove and Coombe Drove.
e) Village Hall /Football Pitch Area
There were no issues to raise in connection with the Village Hall/Football Pitch area.
42. Planning Portfolio
The following applications were considered:-
032 Change of use of annexe from domestic use to holiday let, Old Vicarage, Vicarage Lane – L.C. Gazzard – recommend permission;
034 Erection of agricultural building over open cow yard/silage pit, Chestnut Farm, Vole Road – G.A. Durston & Son – recommend permission;
43. Special Projects - National Grid
Councillor Mrs Corkish reported that the Planning Inspectorate was scheduled to announce their recommendation to the Secretary of State on 19th October 2015.
44. Web-site Portfolio
Councillor Mrs Weekes reported upon statistics relating to the web-site. It was agreed to purchase a back up facility and to consider the purchase of a lap top for use in connection with the web-site.
45. Next Meeting
It was agreed that the next Meeting be held in the Village Hall on 3rd November 2015 at 7.30 p.m.
The Meeting closed at 8.45 p.m. Chairman