May 2024 News
At the latest meeting of Mark Parish Council held on Tuesday 7th May, it was noted that Councillors Jendy Weekes and
Geoff Francis have now served on the Council for 22 years having joined in 2002. Their service to the local Community in all sorts of ways was raised. They were thanked for all they have done and
continue to do for our community.
The Parish Council have agreed to purchase and install a ‘Bleed Kit’ which will be positioned next to the defibrillator
mounted at the Hall. We are fortunate to have a number of such kits and defibrillators sited in and near our Village. They are easy to use and everyone is encouraged to take time to check them out
and make yourself aware of how they work.
We have three noticeboards in the Village. The one by the Village Stores and on the Wall of the Old Dairy on The Causeway
are owned and maintained by the Parish Council. It was noted that both were in need of renovation and that notices etc placed on the boards were liable to suffer the depredations caused by our
wonderful weather.
A suggestion was made that both boards be replaced by cabinets with a glass or plastic cover to protect them from the
elements. Such cabinets will be locked with keys held by nominated individuals.
The Council obtained estimates and have now agreed to the replacement of boards by a local Craftsman. They will be installed
within a short period.
The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place at the Church Hall on Tuesday 2nd July at 7pm.
Danny Kehoe
Chairman, Mark Parish Council