MINUTES of a Planning Meeting of Mark Parish Council held at Mark Village Hall on
Monday 26th January 2015 at 7.00 p.m.
Present:- Councillors N Van der Bijl, S. Emary, G Francis, Mrs C Gibson, M. Schollar and
Mrs J Weekes
Apologies:- Mrs D Bayliss, Mrs E Corkish,
- Declarations of interest - None
- Minutes of the planning meeting held on 16th December 2014 were confirmed as a correct record
- Comments Planning applications :
Planning application 33/14/00055
- Location: The Old Post Office, Church Street, Mark
- Application: Erection of single storey to South elevation.
- Applicant: Mr J Cawte
- Comment: It was noted that the planning details and a request for us to comment had not been received from SDC. Members had no
observations to make
Planning application 33/14/00056
- Location: Mark College, Blackford Road, Mark.
- Application: Works to trees.
- Applicant: SMW Consultancy
- Comment: No Observations
Planning application 33/15/00001
- Location: Burnt House, Yarrow Road, Mark.
- Application: Change of use, conversion and extension of stable block to holiday accommodation
- Applicant: Mrs C James.
- Comment: We support this planning application as we consider it complies with policies D2 and D12 of the SDC Core Strategy.
We consider that it has no harm on the amenity value of nearby buildings. Burnt House is a successful Bed and Breakfast business and the development to provide some
holiday accommodation will further support the local economy by encouraging an increase in tourism and holiday makers to the area who will make use of the services in the local area
Planning application 33/15/00002
- Location: Land to the North of, Blackford Road, Mark, Highbridge, TA9 4NR
- Application: Erection of agricultural building to be used for dry storage and as a livestock
handling facility
- Applicant: RJ, HA & Mr Popham
- Comment: No Observations
4) Issues that should be reported to enforcement at Sedgemoor District Council - None
5) Members noted the letter received from Mr and Mrs Hemmers of Knox, Blackford Road. There was a discussion and it was agreed
that Cllr Emary reply suggesting that the applicant needed to be clear on what they are applying to build in the application and we do not feel we can comment further concerning the proposed building
until we receive a fully detailed planning application.
6) Members discussed the options for the future management of the Play Area and MUGA located at Mark Village Hall which is managed by
Mark Community association.
Meeting closed at 07.50pm