JULY 2018
Mark and Wedmore Ward
Polly Costello – polly.costello@sedgemoor.gov.uk 01934 713564
Will Human – will.human@sedgemoor.gov.uk 01278 641795
This month Polly and Will attended the Full Council AGM and the Extraordinary Drainage Board meetings. At the AGM, Polly and Will were reinstated on their various committees that they attend on behalf of the ward; Licensing, Audit and Governance, Small Grants and the Drainage Board. Also discussed at the meeting was the latest update on the development of the Northgate site. There are to be some exciting shopping and leisure facilities moving into the site including a gym, cinema and restaurants. Although there is some press speculation regarding who these are, the information is still confidential for commercial reasons. As soon as that information is released officially, it will be included in these bulletins.
The Drainage Board meeting addressed the issue of reducing the numbers of representatives on the Board. The meeting approved the names of 12 volunteer representatives who wanted to sit on the new look Board.
Damaged River Bank
The Parish Council can report that after about three years of encouragement, Somerset County Council has scheduled repairs to the riverbank opposite The White Horse pub to commence on Monday 30 July 2018 and expected to last a week. Temporary traffic lights will be installed. Surveys have shown that water erosion over the last about three years and the vehicle strike has meant the bank and barriers have been dislodged. The site was classified as ‘low risk’, which then meant that the unsightly plastic barriers and damaged railings have remained well past their welcome. Since that Mark Yeo is classified as a ‘Main River’, several agencies are involved including Bridges and Structures Department, Highways and the Environment Agency. Another reason is that the Somerset Levels and Moors have important Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), including Tealham and Tadham Moors, and therefore qualify as a Special Protection Area under a 1971 UNESCO. Somerset County Council is obliged to follow ‘best practice’ to ensure that such projects do not have no detrimental effect on the local environment, in particular flood risk – except of course when National Grid want to erect pylons across the landscape!
Landowners and occupiers are required by law under the Highways Act 1980 to trim vegetation (hedge, bushes, trees) next to public highways that are preventing passage or adversely affecting the safety of the highway user. In Mark, the road user includes pedestrians, some with prams and dogs, and riders. Where landowners ignore this responsibility and/or informal requests to keep public highways free of obstructions and restrictions, for instance ignoring a formal letter or email from parish councils, arrangements can be made for the work to be carried and the invoice sent to the offending landowner.
Car Parking
Parking throughout the Parish regularly attracts adverse comment. Since traffic enforcement is not desirable, social responsibility is expected. Much can be achieved by conforming to the Highway Code, for instance: Rule 243 - Do not STOP or PARK.
Although the Rules are not a legal requirement under the Road Traffic Act, failure to abide to abide by them could mean that in the event of an accident or an incident, the Highway Code could be used in court proceedings in order to establish the extent of liability. Thus a poorly parked vehicle could be held wholly or partial liable.
UK Cycling - A reminder
Sunday 15 July 2018, the UK Cycling Wiggle Mendips event Sportive. Start and Finish is Strode College Sport Centre. Of the three circuits of ‘Epic’ (99 miles), ‘Standard’ (65 miles) and ‘Short’ (34 miles), at present ‘Epic’ includes the Causeway and Mark Causeway. Event Management (Contact: 01425 653372) is responsible for all aspects of the organisation and smooth running of the event, which will include signage, marshals, event administration and emergency procedures.
National Grid
The construction plan suggests that the erection of the T-Pylons between East Huntspill to Mendips, which includes Mark, will take place between 2019 and 2022. The work involves building the 400,000 volt overhead line and the removal of the existing 132,000 line. The entire line from Hinkley Point to Avonmouth is planned to be constructed between 2018 and 2026. Further information on how the project will affect Mark has yet to be made known.
Have you checked out the village website recently – we have been very pleased to learn that new residents in the village have said how much information it contains! It tells you what’s on, who to contact for any of the clubs and organisations, photos of the village and lots, lots more! Have a look – www.markvillage.co.uk
The next Sedgemoor North East Parish Cluster Group will take place at 7pm at the Badgworth School Rooms, Badgworth. The Agenda gives communities an opportunity to raise local issues and receive updates of the new Sedgemoor Road Safety Strategy, Somerset Waste Partnership and major projects within the District.
The next Parish Council Meeting will be held at the Village Hall beginning at 7.30pm on Tuesday 3rd July 2018.
Nick van der Bijl
Mark Parish Council