A Special Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Mark on Monday, 30th November 2015 at 2.00 p.m.
Present:- Councillors G. Francis (Vice-Chairman in the Chair), Mrs S. Flack, Mrs A. Hanlon, W. Human and Mrs J. Weekes with the Clerk.
Apology for absence received from Councillors Mrs E. Corkish and N. Van der Bijl.
64. Declarations of Interest
Councillors Mrs S. Flack and Mrs J. Weekes declared personal interests in matters relating to Mark Village Hall. Councillor Francis declared a personal interest in issues relating to National Grid as a shareholder. Councillor Mrs S. Flack declared a personal interest in issues relating to Mark Cricket Club as a Committee Member, Councillors Mrs S. Flack and G. Francis declared personal interests in Mark Community Land Trust Ltd as members of the organisation.
65. Sedgemoor District Council Review of Core Strategy Local Plan Stage 1
Members gave detailed consideration to proposals contained in the Sedgemoor District Council Review of Core Strategy Local Plan Stage 1 document – Scope and Approach.
It was agreed that the proposed classification of Mark as a Tier 3 settlement was correct. However Members felt that the suggested development boundary around Mark Causeway should be removed but that a development boundary should be inserted around the substantially built up areas of The Causeway from Court Farm eastwards to join with that shown for the development boundary of the current key rural settlement of Mark. The new development boundary for The Causeway to be that shown on page 13 of the Review of Development Boundaries for Key Review Settlements document enclosed with a letter dated 6th August 2015.
66. Planning Portfolio
There were no new planning applications to consider.
67. Finance
a) Draft Budget for 2016/17
Members gave preliminary consideration to the draft budget for 2016/17. Various amendments were agreed and the draft budget would be worked up for determination at the next Meeting.
b) Authorisation for Payment
The following payment had been made since the last Meeting:-
000806 M. Lapage fencing work £690.00
It was agreed that the following payments be made:-
000807 GWB Services grass cutting & work in cemetery £1,239.00
000808 Parish Clerk expenses £178.52
68. Cemetery Fence
It was noted that Mr Lapage had completed the work to the western fence in the Cemetery. However the chain link in the northern fence in the Cemetery now needed to be urgently replaced. It was agreed to accept a quotation received from Mr Lapage for this work in the sum of £965.00 and a quotation received from Gary Bickers to clear undergrowth from the fence line in the sum of £450 and dispose of waste.
69. Highway Issues
Members considered an update on various highway issues. It was noted that there was no new information to consider on the matter relating to Mark First School parking/development of a new cricket ground. It was also noted that the County Council would not be undertaking routine maintenance work until 1st April 2016 due to financial issues.
No further information had been received regarding the issue taken up by Wedmore Parish Council regarding HGVs taking a short cut through local villages and Councillor Mrs Weekes agreed to follow this matter up.
County Highways had indicated that it was unlikely their criteria would be met for an extension of the 30 mph speed limit at Blackford Road. However officers would investigate other measures such as improved signage to enable children to wait for/dismount safely from school transport near the Perry Road junction.
It was agreed to request Wessex Water to improve the road closure signage at the Harp Road junction in an attempt to prevent vehicles from getting stuck at the closure point.
The Meeting closed at 3.20 p.m. Chairman