A Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held in the Church Hall, Vicarage Road, Mark on Tuesday, 5th September 2023 at 7.00pm.



Our financial balance of accounts and reserves continues to be healthy.


Planning Portfolio

The following applications were considered.

015 Demolition of agricultural buildings and erection of 3 self-build dwellings, Laurel Farm, The Causeway – Mr & Mrs J. Griffin – recommend refusal;


023 Change of use of land to orchard, erection of 2 pergolas, raising of land by 3m and landscaping, Elm Tree Farm, Southwick Road – Bristol Group Ltd – recommend refusal.


024 Formation of additional storage area and associated infrastructure, Blackford Road – Somerlap – recommend conditional permission.


026 Alterations and conversion of garage to form home gym, Orchard Batch, Blackford Road – B Richard – recommend permission.


It was also agreed to confirm recommendations of permission made since the last Meeting in respect of 022 (culvert, Quantock View) and 022/23 (groundsman’s shed, Mark Cricket Club).


Public Areas Portfolio

a) Highway Matters

A highway defect at Yarrow Road would be reported. It was also agreed to investigate maintenance of an area at Grange Paddock and issues relating to hedges obstructing visibility at road junctions. The Housing Association had been requested to cut back a hedge at Northwick Road.

b) Play Area

It was noted that repairs had been carried out to two items of play equipment. Councillor Francis agreed to represent the Parish Council at the SPFA Presentation Evening on 15th September.


c) Public Rights of Way

No new issues were raised.

d) Village Hall

Councillor Mrs Weekes reported upon renewal of the Hallmark 3 accreditation and an energy audit. Reference was made to a request for the Parish Council to contribute towards the cost of rectifying a blocked drain in the car park, the cost of which was not yet known.

e) Village Clean-up

It was agreed to arrange a Village Clean-up event towards the end of September. The Chairman undertook to arrange publicity for the event.


 Parish Website

 Councillor Mrs Weekes reported upon progress made by Nicola McCarthy in updating and improving the web-site.


HM The King’s Coronation

Councillor Taylor provided an update on the inscribed plaque for the weeping willow tree which had been planted to commemorate the Coronation at the northern end of Jubilee Green.


Remembrance Sentries

The Mark Branch of the Royal British Legion wished to place two remembrance sentries in Mark but neither of the two sites identified were owned by the Parish Council.


Next Parish Council Meeting

Please Note. The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 7th November 2023 at the Church Hall starting at 7.00pm.



















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