A Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Mark on Tuesday, 2nd January 2018 at 7.30 p.m.
Present:- Councillors N. van der Bijl (Chairman), Mrs E. Corkish, Mrs S. Flack, Mrs A. Hanlon, Mrs J. Horn and Mrs J. Weekes with the Clerk and County Councillor D. Huxtable.
Apology for absence received from Councillors G. Francis and W. Human.
50. Disclosures of Interest
Councillors Mrs E. Corkish, Mrs S. Flack, Mrs J. Horn and Mrs J. Weekes declared personal interests in matters relating to Mark Village Hall and Councillor van der Bijl declared an interest in Mark Bowling Club.
51. Minutes
The Minutes of the Meetings of the Council held on 7th and 21st November 2017 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as correct records.
52. Report of the County Councillor
County Councillor Huxtable sought clarification from Members on the current position regarding investigations into long outstanding highway issues following site visits held with the new Highways Officer, Katherine Tyson. A small safety scheme was being progressed in the vicinity of Mark First School involving the installation of flashing lights and the School Governors would be approached regarding progressing the joint access/car parking arrangements with the Cricket Club. Details of other issues were outlined and County Councillor Huxtable undertook to assist with progressing improvements or to obtain details as to why items might not be possible such as double white lines along Mark Causeway.
53. Finance
a) Balance of Accounts
It was reported that the balance of accounts at 1st December were as follows - Current £7,694.48, Reserve £31,647.18.
b) Authorisation for Payment
It was agreed that the following payment be made:-
000849 Mark Community Association grant £2,500.00
000850 Future Dog IT Systems redesign of web-site £350.00
000851 Parish Clerk expenses & sundry payments £256.88
c) Estimates 2018/19
The Council considered the Estimates for 2018/19. It was agreed that the Estimates be approved and the precept for 2018/19 be £17,600 less any Council Tax Support Grant.
54. Public Areas Portfolio
a) Highway Matters
It was agreed to report a highway defect in Harp Road. An update on highway safety issues was discussed during County Councillor Huxtable’s report and the Chairman undertook to pursue these matters with the County Council. With regard to bus service 67 between Burnham on Sea and Wells, it was noted that a new operator had taken over from Crosville and it was agreed to provide a contribution of up to £1,750 towards the cost of this service during 2018/19. It was understood that Councillor Francis was investigating possible arrangements for certain fingerpost signs to be refurbished and that a new Community Speedwatch Scheme would be commencing in Mark.
b) Play Area
It was noted that GB Sport and Leisure would be carrying out refurbishment work to specified items of play equipment when weather conditions were suitable.
c) Public Rights of Way
No issues were raised relating to public rights of way.
d) Village Hall /Football Pitch Area
It was agreed to make arrangements for the lease for the Bowling Club to be signed by the respective parties. The MCA would monitor corrosion at the base of the goal posts.
e) 2018 Village Clean up Event
Arrangements were being made for a Village Clean-up event on Saturday, 17th February 2018, possibly also involving Community Payback personnel.
55. Planning Portfolio
The following planning applications were considered:-
036 & 37LB Erection of extension and internal alterations, Mount Pleasant, Littlemoor Road – G. Carrington – confirm recommendation of permission.
56. Northwick Road Project Liaison Group
Councillor Mrs Horn reported upon a log of issues raised through the Liaison Group to date together with the outcome of the various matters. A copy of the log had been circulated prior to the Meeting.
57. Web-site Portfolio
Councillor Mrs Weekes reported upon recent work carried out by Future Dog IT Solutions to enhance the web-site. It was agreed to work up a Parish Council logo for the web-site and general use comprising a heron and Mark Church and to move information on Mark CLT to under the heading “Community Projects” It was also agreed to advertise in the Parish Magazine for a person with appropriate skills to administer and develop the web-site on behalf of the Parish Council. A vote of thanks was proposed for the valuable work of Councillor Mrs Weekes in connection with the web-site
58. Truespeed
Councillor Mrs Horn agreed to contact Graham Kerslake, Director of Sales, Truespeed to seek an update on their plans to deliver services in Mark.
59. Next Meeting
It was agreed that the next Meeting, the Annual Parish Meeting, be held in the Village Hall on 13th March 2018 at 7.30 p.m. and Donna Johnson of South West Housing be invited to be guest speaker.
The Meeting closed at 9.00 p.m. Chairman