The 2023 Annual Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held in the Church Hall, Vicarage Road, Mark on Tuesday, 2nd May 2023 at 7.00 p.m.


Present:- Councillors D. Champion, S. Emary, G. Francis, W. Human, D. Kehoe, Mrs L. Kybert, C. Taylor and Mrs J. Weekes with the Clerk and Somerset Councillor Tessa Munt deputising for Somerset Councillor H. Munt.


1. Election of Chairman


Proposed Councillor Mrs Weekes, seconded Councillor Human and unanimously agreed that Councillor D. Kehoe be elected Chairman for 2023/24. The Chairman signed a declaration of acceptance of office.


2. Election of Vice-Chairman


Proposed Councillor Mrs Weekes, seconded Councillor Human and unanimously agreed that Councillor Francis be elected Vice-Chairman for 2023/24.


3. Declarations of Interest


Councillor Mrs J. Weekes declared a personal interest in matters relating to Mark Village Hall and Councillor Human declared an interest in planning application 011 and took no part in the discussion.


4. Minutes


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 7th March 2023 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


5. Report of the County Councillor


Councillor Tessa Munt updated Members on the current position regarding the new Unitary Council and reported upon matters relating to highways, education, planning enforcement, children’s social care, adult social care and Local Community Networks. A meeting was being arranged between Somerset Council and the Environment Agency to discuss removal of debris from the river alongside The Wall.


6. 2022/23 Financial Statement


The financial statement for 2022/23 was formally approved.


7. Annual Governance Statement


The Council agreed the Annual Governance Statement for 2022/23 as required by the External Auditors.


8. 2022/23 Accounting Statement


The 2022/23 Accounting Statement required by the External Auditors was formally approved.


9. Exempt Authority


It was agreed to declare that Mark Parish Council is an exempt authority within the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015.


10. Review of Insurance Cover


The Council reviewed their insurance cover and deemed that no changes in cover were necessary.


11. Finance


a) Balance of Accounts


It was reported that the balance of accounts at 31st March were as follows - Current £6,504.55, Reserve £30,527.18.


b) Authorisation for Payment

      It was agreed that the following payments be confirmed:-

000971 Mark Community Association Coronation event grant                                  £500.00

000972 GWB Services                          grass cutting                                                  £566.76

000973 Zurich Municipal                      premium                                                        £613.76

000974 Parish Clerk                              payroll & sundry payment reimbursement    £865.01


12. Planning Portfolio


The following applications were considered – 011 Erection of self-build house, Southwick Road – C. Larkin – recommend refusal;

013 – Erection of extension, 7 The City – A. White & Miss K. Houlgate – recommend permission;

014 – Certificate of Lawfulness for use of premises as a marriage ceremony venue, Willow Tree Farm, Vole Road – Mrs S. Jackson – recommend permission;

017 & 018LB – Erection of extensions and annexe, Portland House, The Causeway – PL Building Design – recommend permission;

07/23/014 – Creation of traveller and gypsy pitches, Vole Road, Brent Knoll – H. Attwell – recommend refusal.

It was also agreed to confirm recommendations of permission made since the last Meeting in respect of 005 (alterations Laurel Farm) and 010 (extension The Sycamores).


13. Public Areas Portfolio


a) Highway Matters


A number of highway defects and fly-tipping deposits had recently been reported and the remedial action was being monitored.


b) Play Area


It was agreed to enter the 2023 Field of the Year Competition. It was noted that some remedial work would be needed in the near future.


c) Village Hall


Councillor Mrs Weekes was appointed as the Council’s representative on the MCA with Councillor Human as deputy. It was noted that the ditch had been cleared but some fencing might be required for security.


14. Parish Website


Councillor Mrs Weekes would meet with a resident who might be able to assist with modernising the web-site.


15. HM The King’s Coronation


It was noted that a weeping willow tree had been planted to commemorate the Coronation at the northern end of Jubilee Green and an inscribed plaque would be obtained. It was also agreed to investigate a commemorative stone planter to be positioned near the bridge.


16. Next Meeting


It was agreed that the next Meeting be held on 4th July 2023 starting at 7.00 p.m.


The Meeting closed at 8.10 p.m.














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