Mark and Wedmore Ward

Polly Costello – polly.costello@sedgemoor.gov.uk 01934 713564

Will Human – will.human@sedgemoor.gov.uk 01278 641795/07725                                                                                                  480260


Will Human attended a Full Council meeting and a special Axe Brue Drainage Board meeting. The Council were discussing the way forward with regard to the Northgate site in Bridgwater and decided that the Council move forward with a plan that retains ownership of the land within Sedgemoor District Council and then to build the required units and rent them out rather than selling it to a developer for them to develop the site. More information will become available as the project continues.


At the Axe Brue meeting, it was agreed to reduce the number of committee members from 57 to 25 in an effort to streamline meetings and their outcomes. Sedgemoor District Council wants residents to have their say on how Sedgemoor District Council should spend its proportion of the Council Tax in its annual budget consultation.  


The budget cycle in Sedgemoor starts now, with the final decisions on budgets taken in mid-February 2018.  The Council continues to work within a very tight budget and will be reviewing its services to make sure that every penny is spent wisely. It receives approximately 9p in the £ from each pound paid in council tax, the other 91p being split between Somerset County Council, the Police, Fire and Rescue services and Parish/Town councils. The questionnaire will also be available to complete online at the following web address:


The consultation period will run from 20 October 2017.


Will Human has contacted South West Waste Partnership to complain about the litter being dropped from the waste collection lorries as they motor around our roads in the Parish. As well as a written response, he was also contacted by the senior manager of SWWP who confirmed that he had received similar complaints from local farmers and that he had issues fresh instructions to the collection teams to be careful with closing the lids on the sides of the lorries. This was done a week ago and he would be interested to know of any further occurrences or problems. Please phone Will Human or drop him an email with any comments that you want passed on.







Fly Tips:

  • Green Drove (Public right of way AX 23/5), garden rubbish, including false grass, fencing and a large blue bag.
  • Yarrow Rd at the northern end of Coomber Drove (AX 23/7), including domestic rubbish.
  • Pillows and a bag of rubbish both sides of the Southwick/Butt Lake Road junction.
  • 2 gas bottles and a chair thrown into the rhyne alongside close to the entrance of a field barn about 150 metres south of the Butt Lake Rd/Green Drove junction

PLANNING (33/17)

The following applications were addressed

  • 021. Formation of cricket ground including erection of pavilion, formation of access and drop off/parking for school to the rear of 6 The Croft, Mark Causeway – Mark Cricket Club. Recommended with provisions.
  • 024. Notification of the diversion of an existing overhead line and erection of additional poles into an overhead line to the south of The Causeway, Mark Western Power Distribution. Recommended.
  • 025 - Erection of a double garage at Alma House, The Causeway. Recommended.

Mark Parish Council has objected to Planning Application 2017/1838/VRC to vary Condition 3 of Planning Permission 85439/001. This refers from E.J. Godwin Peat Industries Ltd, Burtle Road, Westhay (Chipmunks) applying to erect a replacement factory building to enable for the storage, processing and manufacturing of horticultural products and wood products for animal bedding and biomass.


While the Parish Council strongly supports local business development, this should not be at the expense of significant risk to people, property and damage to infrastructure. The Council objects to the likely increase in HGVs transiting between Westhay and the A38 along fragile roads through the Parish from River Bridge across Mark Moor to the Harp Rd crossroads giving access to the A38 and the damage that increased HGVs will cause.


Mark Parish Council has previously raised its concerns about the increased HGV risk with County Highways and the County Council Councillor – with little positive result. A further detailed letter has been sent addressing the risks. 


National Grid. National Grid has rescheduled ground investigation surveys that were due in the spring. Contractors will use boreholes and trial pits surveys to investigate the ground conditions of the pylon route and construction access roads. Of the 14 locations in the southern route, one will be in the Parish. The survey should take about five weeks, although the surveyors will be at each borehole for two to three days and at each trial pit location for approximately one day. 



Car Parking Along the B3139. Car parking along the B3139 through the Parish is not easy. This is particularly relevant around the Village Shop where the road narrows.  Matters are not helped by the absence of street lights. One night in mid-August, there was a serious crash when a car collided with another car parked outside a house near the Village Shop and then shunted into another. Also damaged was stone walls of two properties. The probably cause was that the first car to be hit was parked facing the oncoming traffic. Highway Code Section 248, which is based on traffic legislation, states that ‘You MUST NOT park on a road at night facing against the direction of the traffic flow unless in a recognised parking space.’ A reason for this is that front of vehicles does not have reflectors. Insurance companies are not sympathetic to drivers who breach traffic law.   


Road Safety – Route 60+. Changes in health, vehicles, driving conditions and the driving skills required can affect the capabilities of the older driver. Somerset Road Safety Route 60+ are offering free presentations to update such drivers; see www.somerestroadsafety.org A session has been arranged for 9am Wednesday 6 December 2017 at the Village Hall.  


SpeedWatch. During the first week of the autumn term, a child was hit apparently by a blue Mini with a distinctive stripe on Mark Causeway. Fortunately, the child was not badly hurt but was shocked. Mark no longer has a community SpeedWatch, which has resulted in high speeds and some dangerous driving, and needs one. Mike Schollar, who formally organised our SpeedWatch, is prepared to administer our statistics provided that we find someone to assemble and administer our SpeedWatches. If you are prepared to help our Parish with road safety, please contact Geoff Francis on 01278 641388.   



At the Parish Council meeting on 5 September, the Internet Service Provider (ISP) Truespeed briefed the Council of its investments in communities by building and servicing networks using Fibre to the Premises (FTTP). Speeds increase significantly. Truespeed is already providing networks to Badgworth, Biddisham, Stone Allerton and Chapel Allerton and are seeking to expand to Mark and Watchfield. Truespeed are about to begin a marketing campaign and provided that 30% of the Parish signs up, will install FTTP. 



The next Parish Council Meeting will be held at the Village Hall beginning at 7.30pm on Tuesday 7 November 2017.  Members of the public are invited.


Nick van der Bijl

Mark Parish Council

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