A Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held in the Church Hall, Vicarage Road, Mark on Tuesday, 1st September 2020 at 7.00 p.m.


Present:- Councillor S. Emary (Chairman) Councillors D. Champion, G. Francis, W. Human, J. Spencer and Mrs J. Weekes with the Clerk and County Councillor D. Huxtable (until 7.20 p.m.).


Apology for absence received from Councillors Mrs E. Corkish and Mrs J. Horn.


80. Declarations of Interest


Councillors Mrs J. Weekes declared a personal interest in matters relating to Mark Village Hall.


81. Minutes


The Minutes of the Meetings of the Council held on 3rd March, 9th June and 6th July 2020 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as correct records.


82. Report of the County Councillor


County Councillor Huxtable had circulated a briefing report prior to the Meeting. He hoped that a highway safety scheme in the vicinity of Mark First School would soon go out to consultation.  He undertook to chase up the completion of the signage to enable the extension of the speed limit at Blackford Road to be enforced.  A Meeting would be held to discuss the position regarding the 67 bus service.  A new climate change grant scheme had been launched to support green initiatives and might be of interest to the MCA.  Possible unitary authorities for Somerset were also discussed.


83. Public Clock


It was noted that grants and donations amounting to £8.979.50 had been received towards the refurbishment of the clock.  It was agreed to use this year’s contribution from Hadstone to help fund the work making a total of £10,686.62 against a cost of £19,344.00. The clock faces were removed from the tower on 6th August.


84. Finance


a) Balance of Accounts


It was reported that the balance of accounts at 31st July were as follows - Current £10,902.56, Reserve £36,769.28.


b) Authorisation for Payment


It was agreed that the following payments be made:-

DD       SDC                                    payroll                                              £937.50

000911 GWB Services                    grass and hedge cutting                   £668.25

000912 Parish Clerk                        expenses & sundry payments          £243.21


c) Bank Reconciliation


A bank reconciliation as at 30th June 2020 was checked with the original bank statements and signed by the Members who did not sign cheques as part of the Council’s financial controls.


85. Planning Portfolio


The following new planning applications were considered with permission being recommended in each case:-

025 Erection of a timber framed glass enclosure for swimming pool, Rowhedge, The Causeway, Mark – Mr & Mrs J. Fisher


026 Erection of single and two storey extensions, Rowhedge, The Causeway, Mark – Mr & Mrs J. Fisher. 027 Erection of extensions to rear elevation, 2 Council Houses, The Causeway, Mark – L. Edgecombe.


It was agreed to confirm recommendations of permission made in connection with the following applications since the last Meeting:-


017 Demolition of shop and erection of a new shop and access track, Trevenna, Harp Road, Mark – Pophams Saddlery.


021 Change of use of Units 2 & 3 from offices to education with associated car parking, Poolbridge Business Centre, Blackford Road, Mark – Inaura School.


022 Demolition of rear extension and erection of replacement extension, Wayside Cottage, Church Street, Mark – L. Coulson.


86. Public Areas Portfolio


a) Highway Matters


Subsidence at Vole Road had recently been reported.  It was noted that all recent fly-tipping deposits had been reported to the District Council and subsequently removed.  It was agreed to request the District Council to carry out work to a tree near the garages at Northwick Road. National Grid had agreed to provide regular updates on their work in the village which would include the temporary closure of roads and rights of way.


It was agreed to leave the saplings at Jubilee Green in place until the spring and monitor the number still alive.  Councillor Francis gave an update on the operation of Community Speedwatch and also reported that the refurbishment of the fingerpost signs had been completed.


b) Play Area


It was noted that the wooden picnic benches were being refurbished.  The Chairman and Councillor Mrs Weekes agreed to attend the Somerset Playing Fields’ Association Field of the Year Presentation Evening on 18th September.


c) Public Rights of Way


Councillor Human agreed to report a need to clear vegetation from AX23/15 at The Wall to the County Public Rights of Way Officer.


d) Village Hall /Football Pitch Area


It was noted that the Mark Community Association were investigating improvements to the football pitch area including refurbishing the goalmouth which required remedial action.


87. Web-site Portfolio


Councillor Mrs Weekes reported upon statistics relating to visits to the web-site during August and, if necessary, it was agreed to seek an increase in the number of pages for the web-site.


88. Mark Cricket Club


It was agreed to send a letter of support to the Cricket Club for use in connection with their applications for grants towards the cost of developing their new ground.


89. Next Meeting


It was agreed that the next Meeting be held on 3rd November 2020 starting at 7.00 p.m.





The Meeting closed at 8.10 p.m.                                              Chairman























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