Newsletter No. 8 - September 2016



Proposed development of affordable

rented homes for Mark Residents




Since last month’s newsletter the CLT Steering Group and board members have been busy attending Project Design meetings, discussing design, potential planning issues, possible circumventions, appointing specialists to undertake detailed surveys and preparing for the Shareholders meeting held on the 18th August and the scheduled Public Drop-in Session on the 3rd September.


The Shareholders only meeting was attended by MCLT Steering Group members, representatives from Sedgemoor District Council (SDC), South Western Housing Society (SWHS), GCP Architects and Wessex Community Land Trust Project, all of whom are partnering with MCLT to bring the project to fruition.


Shareholders had the opportunity to view the proposed design plans, ask questions of the representatives from the attending organisations, and invited to complete a Feedback Form to assist MCLT in evaluating the overall opinions and views of the community.


The meeting was lively and interactive with some excellent and varied questions resulting in a most constructive session. Overall, feedback was very positive in respect of the external development layout, property appearances and interior designs, with some minor suggested modifications.


Concerns were expressed in respect of the proposed access off Northwick Road, and the impact the inherent additional traffic will have in the immediate area. The Chairman Simon Emary, advised that consultations were being undertaken with relevant authorities including Highways and until those were complete we would not know if the proposed access was indeed viable or what changes may have to be made.


Feedback forms will also be available at the Public Drop-in Session on the 3rd September (2pm-6pm) at Mark Village Hall and we encourage all attendees to complete one.  MCLT will analyse all responses prior to applying for Planning Permission to ensure that where appropriate the Community’s suggestions and concerns are addressed in the Planning Proposal.


Anyone wishing to register for an affordable rented home in Mark, is encouraged to do this as soon as possible by visiting and completing an application form, indicating the village of ‘Mark’ as their preferred place to live and answer all questions about their connection to the village. Those already registered are encouraged to check their application to ensure they have stated ‘Mark’ as their preferred location. Application forms can also be obtained by calling the council on 0300 303 7800.


If you are not yet a member of the CLT and would like to join, you can do so at the event by purchasing shares at a cost of £1 each from any one of the MCLT Steering Group members, or by Email request to or by writing to our Registered Address below, Mallards, Fishers Lane, Mark, Highbridge, Somerset TA9 4LZ.





If you have any queries please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council:


01278 789859 or email here






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