A Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Mark on Tuesday, 5th July 2016 at 7.30 p.m.
Present:- Councillors N. van der Bijl (Chairman), Mrs E. Corkish, G. Francis, W. Human and Mrs J. Weekes with the Clerk and County Councillor D. Huxtable.
Apology for absence received from Councillors D. Champion, Mrs S. Flack and Mrs A. Hanlon.
12 Declarations of Interest
Councillors Mrs E. Corkish and Mrs J. Weekes declared personal interests in matters relating to Mark Village Hall. The Chairman also declared an interest in Mark Moor Bowling Club as a member of the Club.
13. Minutes
The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 3rd May 2016 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
14. Report of the County Councillor
County Councillor Huxtable reported upon investigation by local authorities in Devon and Somerset into a possible devolution scheme. A final decision was likely in November 2016. A discussion ensued on HGV movements in the area and damage caused to Harp Road and other minor roads due to use as alternative routes during the closure of Mark Causeway. Councillor Huxtable undertook to investigate the position regarding pavement subsidence at Jubilee Green.
15. Mark Moor Bowling Club
The Council received details of a proposed project by the Mark Moor Bowling Club to upgrade the facilities inside and outside their clubhouse at an estimated cost of approximately £80,000. Grants were being sought from a number of sources including Viridor Credits and some £8,000 had been secured with fund raising by the Club. The Parish Council were requested to make a grant of £2,500 to the Club. It was agreed that financial assistance in the sum of £2,500 be made available towards the cost of this project.
16. Finance
a) Balance of Accounts
It was reported that the balance of accounts at 1st June were as follows - Current £9,203.10, Reserve £18,465.95.
b) Authorisation for Payment
It was agreed that the following payments be made:-
000822 SALC affiliation fee £345.46
000823 Glasdon UK Ltd seat £1,058.41
000824 GWB Services grass cutting £520.00
000825 Parish Clerk expenses £206.70
17. Public Areas Portfolio
a) Highway Matters
It was noted that a number of highway defects had recently been marked for attention. It was agreed to closely monitor highway repair work in the parish. Wessex Water were hoping to complete work at Mark Causeway and reopen the road within a few days. Another road closure would take place in August for resurfacing work. A meeting had been held with Gary Warren a new highways officer on site to discuss school parking issues. The yellow hatching would be reduced in length when the road was resurfaced. Solar powered wig wag signs would cost approximately £3,000. The County Council would fund £1,500. The remaining £1,500 would need to be met locally and the Chairman had requested the School to make a contribution.
Councillors Francis and Human were thanked for removing rubbish from the rhynes at Harp Road. The Chairman was investigating possible use of Community Payback personnel to clear litter and other work in the village and was meeting a scheme official later that week. The commemorative seat would be installed at Jubilee Green by Amesbury and Puddy and it was agreed to show appreciation in an agreed way. It was also agreed to request the District Council’s Landscape Officer to inspect a tree at Jubilee Green.
There was no further update regarding a possible extension of the 30 mph speed limit at Blackford Road and it was agreed to seek a site meeting with Gary Warren, County Highways. The police had provided a pocket speed monitoring device for Mark Community Speedwatch and the Parish Council had applied to the police road safety fund for a grant towards the cost of a second device.
b) Play Area
It was agreed to arrange for the metal swings in the play area to be painted.
c) Public Rights of Way
Councillor Champion had reported issues relating to bridleways and Councillor Francis undertook to check signs on the public rights of way.
d) Public Rights of Way
It was agreed to monitor a memorial which was beginning to tilt.
e) Village Hall /Football Pitch Area
It was agreed to request Gary Bickers to cut the football pitch area just prior to the car show and also to strim around the youth shelter.
18. Planning Portfolio
The following planning applications were considered:-
016 & 017LB Erection of extension and alterations, Orchard Cottage, The Causeway, Mark – Mr and Mrs. Watts – recommend permission;
021 – Change of use of agricultural building to dwelling, Green Drove, Mark – G. Puddy – recommend refusal.
19. Web-site Portfolio/Superfast Broadband
Councillor Mrs Weekes suggested that the web-site needed refreshing and it was agreed to contact web designers for suggestions/quotations. It was felt that a sum should be allocated for upgrading the web-site at a future date.
20. Next Meeting
It was agreed that the next Meeting be held in the Village Hall on 6th September 2016 at 7.30 p.m.
The Meeting closed at 8.55 p.m. Chairman