3rd January 2017




A Meeting of Mark Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Mark on Tuesday, 3rd January 2017 at 7.30 p.m.


Present:- Councillors N. van  der Bijl (Chairman), D. Champion, Mrs E. Corkish, Mrs S. Flack, G. Francis,  Mrs A. Hanlon, W. Human and Mrs J. Weekes with the Clerk.


46. Declarations of Interest


Councillors Mrs E. Corkish, Mrs S. Flack and Mrs J. Weekes declared interests in matters relating to Mark Village Hall. Councillor Champion declared an interest in planning application 036 as a near neighbour.


47. Minutes


The Minutes of the Meetings of the Council held on 1st November and 6th December 2016 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as correct records.


48. Mark Moor Bowling Club


Councillor Human reported that Viridor Credits had turned down the Bowling Club’s grant application as they had a licence from the Parish Council/MCA in respect of their facilities rather than a lease. Viridor considered that the Club required a lease to give them greater security. It was agreed that Councillor Human would clarify the legal position with Sedgemoor District Council who leased the whole 4.18 acre site to the Parish Council/MCA and, subject to the outcome and views of the MCA, no objection be raised to a lease being granted to the Bowling Club.


49. Finance


a) Balance of Accounts

It was reported that the balance of accounts at 1st December were as follows - Current £340.01, Reserve £33,472.06.


b) Authorisation for Payment

It was agreed that the following payments be made:-

000832 MCA                                grant                                      £2,500.00

000833 Parish Clerk                     expenses                                   £535.27


c) Financial Regulations

The Council agreed to adopt the latest NALC model Financial Regulations, a copy of which had been circulated to Members.


d) Risk Management Report

Members considered and approved a Risk Management Report for 2016/17.


e) Estimates for 2017/18

The Council considered the Estimates for 2017/18. It was agreed that the Estimates be approved and the precept for 2017/18 be £17,500 less any Council Tax Support Grant.


50. Public Areas Portfolio


a) Highway Matters


It was agreed to report blocked highway drains and defects in Church Street and specified highway defects in Kingsway and Harp Road. No further information had been received from the County Council regarding safety issues in the vicinity of the Perry Road/Blackford Road junction. Further subsidence had also occurred to the pavement to the north of Jubilee Green, the repairs to which had been outstanding since July 2015. It was agreed to seek an update on these issues from County Highways/County Councillor Huxtable.

The position of Mark Community Speedwatch Co-ordinator was currently vacant. The Chairman undertook to investigate the possibility of organising a further Community Payback session to clear litter in the village on Village Clean-up Day which was provisionally set for 25th February 2017. Councillor Champion undertook to strim around the millennium stone at Blackford Road.


With regard to the future of Bus Service 67 – Burnham on Sea to Wells, Councillors Mrs Corkish and Francis would attend a further meeting organised by the County Council at Wedmore, restricted to two representatives of the Parish Councils along the route. After discussion, Councillor Human undertook to also attend as a District Councillor.


b) Play Area


The repairs to the play equipment and safety surfacing had been ordered and would be carried out when weather conditions were suitable. It was agreed that a grant from the Nuttall Trust be sought towards the cost involved.


c) Public Rights of Way


It was reported that a stile had been removed on a path off Southwick Road.


d) Maintenance Issues


It was noted that work to refurbish the Council’s two noticeboards had been completed. It was agreed to request Mr Bickers to repair and paint a gatepost/gate on a path off Littlemoor Road, to repair a sign in the cemetery and to paint specified railings in the central area of the village. It had not been possible to obtain a supply of topsoil for the cemetery to date, although work had taken place to one grave.


e) Village Hall /Football Pitch Area


It was agreed to request the Mark Community Association to consider refurbishing the junior goal posts.


51. Planning Portfolio


The following planning application was considered:-

036 Erection of 2 storey extension to side elevation, installation of replacement dormer windows to rear elevations, erection of replacement porch, alterations to access and formation of additional parking area, Crooked Ham, Vole Road – Mrs E. Luckwell – recommend permission.


52. Web-site Portfolio/Superfast Broadband


Councillor Mrs Weekes reported upon arrangements being made to refurbish the web-site.


Councillor Human reported upon a scheme by True-Speed Communications to provide fibre-optic cables to villages, subject to sufficient interest from residents. It was agreed to seek expressions of interest from Mark residents via an article in the parish magazine and web-site.


53. Refuse/Recycling Collections


Councillor Human reported upon proposed changes to the recycling and refuse collections which were likely to be introduced in the Sedgemoor Area in 2018.


54. Next Meeting


It was agreed that the next Meeting, the Annual Parish Meeting, be held in the Village Hall on 14th March 2017 at 7.30 p.m. and that Matthew Wall from the Drainage Board be invited to be guest speaker.




The Meeting closed at 8.25 p.m.                                        Chairman



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